
(Nope, still nope)

I begin every new job with home made choc cookies (nut free in case someone's allergic). It's a highly cynical manoeuvre to make people talk to the newbie. I also do team baking because it gets noticed as team playing which I'm otherwise not hot on. Machiavelli in a frilly pinafore basically.


beef tartar and carpaccio - raw meat FTW

short version of a long reply my phone just deleted: I love offal - lambs hearts are lovely for instance - but so many people think it's bleurghhhhiness. On the other hand milk??? Horrible taste (until it goes off and turns into stinky cheese, yoghurt etc) AND it's from a cows tits. But it's so widely consumed.

if you like lamb, try lambs' hearts. They look like an anatomy lesson but are so lovely and tender and lamby (but not as greasy as some lamb eg shoulder). You stuff them with breadcrumb-based herb stuffing and roast them. Mr B makes a great chicken liver curry if you fancy the recipe?

threading is as it sounds - clever women use thread (it looks a bit like dental floss) to whip out hairs super quickly and a lot less painfully than waxing. i like to get my eyebrows threaded as it it's easier to bear than waxing, quick - and somehow it results in better shape.

but exactly how many ribbons are too much? Women Need To Know

I got quoted!!! Thank you for totally making up for a ballache of a week

oh and any chance of being un greyed pretty please? I'm keen and helpful and have great table manners

just wanted to say that I've only read through about a 10th of the stories and you all rock. I want to go to a Jezzie wedding. Why does everyone I know think white satin (aka shoes they would NEVER wear IRL) are the only way to go?

I wore secondhand (yes used, been on another person's feet) shoes for my wedding. Which a LOT (everyone I tell and that's pretty much everyone as I am proud of the tightness of our wedding spends). But TBH they were the only ones I could find that fitted the criteria of NOT open toe (so's I could wear stockings and

"This is a library book, ma'am. That means I'm responsible for it. It goes where I go."

"sometimes gets period blood on my cat." I am on public transport reading this and laughed out loud. I can imagine this happening to me and Small Cat who likes to share girl time in the bathroom with me

built in nipples??! FTW. I don't have any myself so this sounds a dress with potential added sexy factor for me

I will come to that party! There are so many dresses that I think wow to, and without the wedding pressure that gap between image and reality on my very real shape could be very amusing!

so lovely. Thanks for sharing

I just snorted out loud on the train platform at your comment. Thank you

fascinating - thankyou. More articles like this please!