
I’m 51. I’ve been stopped about twice in my whole life. White woman privilege.

And you went back? Wow.

Well, evidence that Hutchinson is, if nothing else, somewhat smarter than Mike Pence. Not necessarily a better human being, but he has a clue.

And again with the cops acting like massive crybabies. Their fee fees are so sensitive!

Don't kid yourselves. This law wasn't actually intended solely (note those italics) to target gays and lesbians. Did you see the signing photos with the nice nuns? Women are going to be targeted too, and language about "denying service" isn't necessarily going to help us. Are you unmarried and having a baby? Aw,

But the Bible says slavery is OK!

This ties in to what I want to say - if you want a monetary donation in lieu of gift, for whatever purpose, be gentle when you judge people by the amount they give. In many cases you don't know their financial situation. Maybe they are up to their neck in debt and are giving as much as they can. They might have found

Lint? I thought they tasted more like wax someone waved near a chocolate flavored chip.

If I were one of the defense attorneys in those cases, I would have totally gone to the press with that shit. Yes, you have to advise your client of the plea offer and let her decide whether to take it, and I am not sure you could ethically do anything that might blow an open plea offer, no matter how distasteful,

Are you perhaps thinking of muscular dystrophy? Because CP can include issues with thinking and reasoning. It just doesn't in most (about 2/3) of cases. Though either way the joke isn't funny.

Aasif Mandvi. Yes.

I'm actually a firm believer that the family you choose can be the best family.

I'm seeing Redd Foxx in my head clutching his chest and shouting, "It's the big one! I'm coming, Elizabeth!" This is pretty amazing.

Meh. It upset my parents more than it upset me. I was starting a life with my husband, I wasn't going to waste emotion on them.

Years later, he admitted that he was angry at my brother-in-law and didn't want to deal with him at the wedding. Not a particularly good excuse, but I believe that one.

My brother and his (then) wife were already in town for our wedding. They were staying in the same hotel as my parents and my sister and all the other wedding guests. Come the wedding, though, they were a no-show and had checked out of the hotel. Asked for an explanation, he said "I forgot where the wedding was taking

Now, now. Hubby and I are 51 and 59, respectively, and we are as liberal as ever. I do worry a bit more about taxes because we are a little low on retirement savings, but we believe in paying taxes. This is why a progressive tax makes sense.

Without slavery, the way of life of the middle and upper classes in the antebellum South would have been a different world. We would not even recognize it as the same people. The hoop skirts, the luxuries, the balls - only the smallest minority of the richest families would have been able to enjoy them.

I don't get all of this talk about "benign intent." We don't talk about "benign intent" when white people show up to costume parties in blackface. We don't talk about "benign intent" when men catcall and tell women to "smile." There's a shitload of sexist, racist, ableist and other discriminatory shit people say and

I have a reason to give your social security number to your doctor's office.