
When you become a parent, you have to reach inside yourself and find resources you never thought you had and do things you never thought you could do to keep your child safe. If your boyfriend/husband/live in is beating your child, either you do something about it or you share the blame.

That's not the same Frenchie. I wonder where that Frenchie is? She isn't in the photo.

Exactly. Unless they can tie it together - the cash going in the bag and the bag-of-cash going to THAT customer, BK is screwed.

It all depends what the camera captures. Obviously the cash was in a BK bag. So does the recording show BOTH the employee putting the cash in the bag AND which customer accepts that particular bag? You only get caught if they can tie it together. Every customer gets a BK bag, amirite?

You just don't. It came up in one of our domestic relations cases, too. Step mom screwed with daughter's hair. Mom was not happy.

Again, where are all the dead and imprisoned bankers who broke the law? When were they beaten up?

Yeah, just look at all those bankers who have been beaten, shot and jailed for breaking the law! It's been a violent bloodbath!

In the late seventies a relaxed perm was in style, it kind of looked like your hair after it had been braided all day. I wanted that style.

Just as well my college had no greek system, because a sorority would not have been for me. Since everyone had to make their social life without greek life, nobody was at a disadvantage for not participating. (And we had plenty of fun, too.)

Yes, exactly. If you are pro-life you should really be pro-LIFE, not just pro-birth. If you stop giving a shit after the child is born, you aren't pro-life.


Yep. Embryo worshippers. They could care less about live children.

I agree. The women should be the story. But, my apologies for picking nits, but I sure hope there are not "scores of women," because a score is 20. Dozens is perhaps the word you wanted. Please, let's hope the word "scores" is not, in fact, applicable. I can't rule out the possibility, though. Fucking rapist creep.

I know. There are more stories than that, I think. There's one in - I think Indiana ? - where a woman miscarried after attempting suicide. I don't recall the outcome. They charged her but I don't know whether there has been a trial.

If the anti-abortion nutcases in this country have their way, this will be us before long. God damn these fucking zealots. Why aren't the lives of women considered more valuable than a cluster of cells?

I had a dog who, when humping whatever (another dog, the cat, the couch, your foot) would continue humping after you pulled her off. It looked like a bizarre canine belly dance.

Not certain, but I think it is that vaguely greenish-blue color that coke bottles used to be.

Seriously. I've lived with 5 cats in my life, none declawed. Sure, some furniture got scratched, but NBD. I also clipped their nails. It was no problem. Used a human nail clipper and it takes a few minutes.

Some breeds of cat have a stumpy tail or no tail. Don't know whether yours is one, but it is possible that yours was born that way.

I forgave my husband for gaslighting me some years back, and so far he hasn't done it since. A repeat performance will be a breaking point.