I guess he’ll be so busy he won’t have time to investigate Trump, huh? Funny how that works out.
I guess he’ll be so busy he won’t have time to investigate Trump, huh? Funny how that works out.
^^^^^^^^ The Smelly guy in your office.
*pukes all over my shoes*
Donald calls it a “kazoo?”
How long before it’s just going to be Ivanka on a kazoo?
That’s the joke.
I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is…
Please stop letting this man use you guys for photo ops. Please stop.
Trump: “I met a black man today. He was the very best black man. His Father was one of the best black men to ever be alive besides me.”
If I had at least $4 million to spend on my wedding, I would do something additional with my hair...
Not to put too fine a point on it but, yeahhhh...
They say girls are attracted to men like their fathers.
Considering that Aaron Rodgers seems to be a pretty even-tempered, low-key, quirky-humored and intelligent sort of guy, and his family seems a little on the pushy and “off” side, I’ll lean toward his direction. Again, have been there and have seen that; really interesting, smart, ironic people whose families are…
Pro tip: “It’s good that our family business is now available for public consumption” is an opinion that only a huge asshole famewhore would possess.
Given who is talking (and when they choose to do it) vs. who is just quietly minding their own business and not taking their private family issues to the press it seems pretty clear who the assholes are in this story. I’m getting the impression he’s got good reasons to be estranged from these people.
Sometimes, estrangement is party A’s fault. Sometimes it’s party B’s fault. Sometimes each party is at fault to some degree. I’m with team Aaron about not discussing it publicly though. I haven’t spoken to my mother in more than 30 years and she’s only been dead for 25. I won’t defend that action to anyone. If…
Honestly, even though I’m here reading this and chatting about it, I hope we don’t hear both sides of it. It’s none of our business, and I hope it never becomes enough of an issue for Rodgers that he feels he has to discuss it.
I am also not on speaking terms with the Rodgers family.
I couldn’t imagine having my relationship with my parents be national news/ widely known public information, and being asked questions about it while at my job. Being a famous athlete is weird.