

I’m glad that Sony’s first party games are continuing to come to PC. Gives me hope that Ragnarok and eventually Spider-Man 2 will also come to PC.

Musicians are sad and play guitar and appeal to a male-oriented audience. Non-musicians are everyone else.

How is a singer not a musician? 

The memory hole where we pretend the game is technically and mechanically perfect right now—and always wasis super weird. As weird as the PC folks who think because it looked great meant that those problems also didn’t exist in their copy.

Nah, keep the last one in there so no one gets out. Maybe let the public do as they please to the last survivor as a warning to the rest of these useless human garbage bags.

Thunderdome! All the execs enter, one exec leaves.

Sounds like a problem for the giant corporation, not random internet narcs.

The practice of charging for early unlocks is lazy as hell. I guess monetizing FOMO is a lot more profitable, though, and people lack self control so they’ll support the practice even if they don’t like it.

Yeah, this argument collapses the instant you look at anything other than raw prices. Like, say, game industry profit margins and salaries.

that’s bullshit. several gaming companies with games in the 50-60 range are still raking in breakneck profits, maybe if they stopped overpaying their greedy CEOs. Several games are at that price and stuff in MTXs. So that argument is mute unless you can show definitive proof that studios like rockstart are struggling

If they could sell you their decade old game for $70, they would. In fact, he likely would’ve wanted to but people talked him through why $50 was probably the furthest they could push it.

Piracy is an even better value.

This is a popular narrative that certainly does a lot to alleviate the conscience of the United States. We don’t have to sit with the weight of our own country’s atrocities if they were justified, if not doing it would have just resulted in even *more* death.

This is a terrible deal! The 4rd gen with the same amount of storage is only $4 more! And for the same price you can get the 128GB 3rd gen refurbished by Apple with the same 1 year warranty! Plus from Apple you get 3 months streaming free.

This is a terrible deal! The 4rd gen with the same amount of storage is only $4 more! And for the same price you can

What we need now, more than ever, is a good, solid gaze back on history. None of this unrest and discontent is NEW. It is old, very old. In the past people were handicapped by the lack of speed in the news. As a species we were more compartmentalized, with some places hearing about events a few years prior for the

How do we feel about calling it a “Sorry not sorry vid”?

Proof that rich people aren’t worthy of praise or even attention.

So... Pretty much like every other Youtuber apology video, then.