
Right because everyone is perfect and only have one emotion all the time

So nothing about how we should raise people better and cultivate a better society for children. Nothing about how the police needs a better vetting system. All I’m reading is, we ain’t fixing shit so you and your kids are on their own. Stay safe though 

No matter what slogan people come up with, it’ll always,need a better slogan”

Given how they’ve responded to Desantis drinking with his high school students, never. Unless he comes out as trans or gay.

Spilling coffee on someone causes your degree to be in question but sexually assaulting four people, oh yeah sure you go ahead and graduate.

Given how so many of us have gave up the idea of permanently owning things for subscriptions, you’re probably speaking for less people than you think.

Well speaking for myself I was still in elementary school when the PlayStation released lol

Not surprised Square “NFT” Enix and the company behind the game thats about turning kids’ parents into whales are doing very little when it comes to climate change

And the wild thing about this is that no matter what, this game will sell boatloads and never drop in price 

I swear anytime Drake is mentioned it baffles me how people think this guy is cool

God I loathe what the internet has done to black gay slang

If Japanese publishers and developers two generations ago can try to do so much to to attract western audiences, they can surely learn to be more inclusive. Also it’s not like Japan hasn’t adapted to the changing world in the last 150+ years. But lastly, what makes Japan/east Asia so special that people can accept

Yeah it would be cool if these articles would properly tell you which version of PlayStation plus you need. Though it would have been cool if Sony differentiated this whole thing better

Cool so voting for someone in the military matters more than woman’s bodily autonomy. Which says more about them than they really know.

After today’s Jimquisition I’m definitely skeptical of COD articles like this. Though ultimately it’s fun to get these kind of articles and then in some months we’ll get told about this company’s screwed up behavior. Just sucks that no matter what, nothing will really get done about their abuses

Probably the same way cosmetic DLC gets a pass now. Something to initially scoff at that over time became so commonplace that people had to start rationalizing and becoming ok with it.

As an artist on a very small indie label, I get their frustration and it does suck when you don’t have control over mixing. But at the same time, given the company you’re working for, they were bound to have you on the receiving end of their shitiness eventually.

Gamers never fail to show us how insufferable they are because what is even the point of these death threats. Maybe I missed something but what’s the endgame; what’s the point?

That’s probably what made it all the more believable. If Konami can pause on milking one of its franchises for pachinko, surely Squeenix could lol. But thank you, hopefully Silent Hill won’t disappoint  

And all I’m seeing is you blaming the people preyed upon by a predatory game instead of said game.