The one time I get a little hype over a rumor and it turns out to be some NFT profile pictures or some shit lol. Only thing I can do is laugh
The one time I get a little hype over a rumor and it turns out to be some NFT profile pictures or some shit lol. Only thing I can do is laugh
These kind of takes are the worst and always come off as, “look at me. I’m so smart!” What are we to do when faced with any unsurprising injustice, just sit there and be quiet? Imagine if that is how the world worked. No sense in reporting the injustices of the Nazis because that wouldn’t be surprising. No sense in…
I’m all for art making a point and having something pertinent to say but when a lot of games were about saving the world, we still did the exact opposite. And personally, my takeaway from post-apocalyptic/dystopian media is not to make sense of impending doom but to be a cautionary tale if we don't get it together.
I’m no legal expert but couldn’t he claim that the game is satire/parody? Not that it matters, IKEA would just outspend him to the point where it wouldn’t be worth the effort.
You say “if the game is not for you, that’s fine.” The author states the game is not for them by criticizing it and you respond in a way that says it isn’t fine to criticize it because it’s not realistic. Loosen the anal purse strings and have fun lol
Infinity Ward themselves claimed that the game was not political a couple of years ago.
This reminds me of how anti-piracy or security packaging harms the customer more than anyone. I’ve ended up pirating games I’ve paid for just so I wouldn’t have to deal with Denuvo or install a launcher for just one game
After the 16 bit era, it seems that every console that has a strong retro scene wasn’t the winner of their generation. Which doesn’t seem weird to me, of course people would be more interested in collecting new things they haven’t experienced. Also a decent number of PS2 titles were re-released
Including for rent and for sale, there are over 3500 agent listings on one website alone and it is said that more than 1600 people experience homelessness every night in my city. So again, doesn’t sound like supply is the issue.
I guess this is why the game is called The Tenants and not The Landlord lol
No this is like children starving every day in this country and being told its everything but capitalism that is causing those kids to starve. There is plenty of available housing in my city and yet there is also plenty of homeless people. Doesn’t sound like supply is the issue
And yet the author states that here in Australia there is also a rental crisis. So I think you are wrong about that. I also don’t live in New York and can say the same
I just hope you feel the same way when it’s a country in the Middle East/Asia Minor that’ll frequently be the setting of most modern military shooters.
It’s always the, think of the kids crowd that constantly don’t think of the kids. They just think of themselves and whatever makes them comfortable, children’s feelings be damned. Then society goes pikachu_meme.jpg when those kids grow up to be screwed up adults
I work in sex education/the adult toy industry and I too can talk about the peculiarities of my job with the younger people I work with. But there’s more to life than, “omg you get how dumb people are about sex” lol
I’m confused, where in this article do we see anything about the servers caring about him or his opinions? Only thing I see is them calling out his constant mistreatment of them.
I know why a 31 year old man would date a 20 year old woman but it is so weird to me. The 20 year old person is gonna be mad annoying and what the hell do y’all have to talk about. Then again you’re in your 30s dating a 20 year old person so I’m sure you’re not that mature of a person anyway
I love this idea that what has occurred was nothing but inevitable mistakes.
Capitalism. In order to be successful at it there always seems to be some kind of exploitation happening.
I always wonder if it’s not so much that power corrupts and maybe more that people who seek power are already corrupt. In order to get to the top you usually have to do some kind of exploitation