And to make the Drake collab thing even more messed up is after Rhianna told him off for the last time, then he was so willing and happy to work with this pos.
And to make the Drake collab thing even more messed up is after Rhianna told him off for the last time, then he was so willing and happy to work with this pos.
When those are the people with power and capital, its kinda hard to stay away.
I wonder what was Ubisoft’s endgame when they allowed their employees to be abused and then promoted the abusers while punishing the victims. Or is that us consumers just don’t get it yet
When this story first broke I wondered why the above wasn’t how it worked already. A record label can block a song from being show in my country so its “strange” it took this long and a high profile creator to have this happen.
So is this the change Actiblizz is committed to doing that the xbox guy was so elated about? lol
Disney milking the same properties and only making the same thing over and over, color me surprised
Love these articles because they’re going to be filled with a bunch of pro bono nintendo lawyers lol.
It’s wild that as ubiquitous styrofoam and plastic bags are, they’re not a part of our normal recycling. Also why hasn’t there been a nationwide ban on this stuff by now
We’ve been drawing dick graffiti forever, we just now have a new medium for it lol
Lol at being happy about someone’s plan to change a toxic environment they fostered.
I wish more of the, I did all this stuff to give a company my money crowd would understand this. Especially that overwhelming part, since not all of our brains respond to things the same way
I love that less than two months after Sony’s Jim Ryan condemned ActiBlizz for their sexual assault allegations, here they are promoting their latest crossover.
I can see the point of the law but why snitch? Mind your business and pay your beeper bill
Would be cool if Sony dropped the price of the PS4/Pro
So when white men face justice, it’s unjust. Got it
Granted I don’t know the full context but it does give me pause to see these men pile on with their praise when they could have called this out themselves. Just feels like when people pat themselves on the back for siding with women against their abusers publicly but won’t do much in private if it causes them the…
If my memory serves me correct Sony or someone at Sony said they’re basically only about making well lauded games. Which is fine but damn I miss the era of B grade games. I personally thought this game was above average once I realized what it was and did a bit of roleplaying. Didn’t care for the story though but…
There’s also the fact that being a horror movie monster is different than being a racist, unless this is Get Out. I haven’t seem many of the movies but I don’t recall Leatherface only going for the black people or making racist jokes
Nah, degree ain’t got nothing to do with it. I didn’t go to college and I wouldn’t say something so daft. Meanwhile politicians go to Ivy League schools and say more inane things than Lebron
I find it humorous that people who speak out against injustice and try to inform others on how their isms can affect others are also like, but I don’t wanna tell anybody what to do when it comes to covid.