iOS: If you’re heading out on vacation to somewhere your friends or family have already gone, it’s natural to ask…
Is this a real thing or a movie thing? Because being non-US, I’m always just asked to take my pants off and keep my top on. The only time I’ve ever won a hospital gown has been for surgery.
I went once. I never have to go back. That’s how it works, right? RIGHT?
Ed Sheeran took to Instagram this afternoon to share a photo of his newest, in-progress tattoo. It’s... um...…
People: it doesn’t look like a verb in English because this is in Swedish. In Swedish plenty of verbs look like this. That also make me feel like our opinions on what it sounds like are irrelevant, because 90%+ of us are looking at it with English biases and it wasn’t made for English.
Well, it happened. Hollywood is bastardizing yet another one of our cherished movies. This time, it’s Sony remaking T…
I was seventeen years old and madly in love with my boyfriend, the effortlessly cool punk guy with an amazing body. He broke up with me by having his best female friend tell me. I am now both embarrassed by the things I did after and sort of proud:
When I found out my long term boyfriend had a new girlfriend, while we were still living together, I walked to the nearest travel agent and booked a flight to Europe, got an express passport and then quit my job. I was outta there in under two weeks.
See? Men are just TOO emotional to be president. What if he gets into a spiteful bad mood and launches nukes or something? Men have such delicate feelings and just can’t control them, the poor dears.
Wednesday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day for presidential candidate Rand Paul. He started the day…
To those citing FFX-2 as the all female game, sure yeah that happened but even then it was mostly fanservice, imo. Not to say it wasn't a fun game. I definitely enjoyed it. But ya know. As for XIII, Lightning was a great lead and the female characters were very well done but I hated the first two and didn't bother…
hi I'm plain in feature and certainly overweight, but I sell monogrammed coffee thermoses!!!
""Hi, I'm plain in feature and certainly overweight, and I'm here to pick up my dry cleaning."
I actually lead with that as my introduction to all people I meet, as they are my most important attributes. It doesn't matter what the social situation. "Hi, I'm plain in feature and certainly overweight. Can I get two bean burritos and a cool ranch Doritos locos taco? Thanks."
Potatoe is very...exotic.
as someone w a flat white ass this is super rude