
This is something I was thinking about as well. Although I understand the need to take pride in your own culture and religion and that this phrase means something far more beautiful to the people who use it for their prayers, or just general speech (in arabic speaking places in the world).

A dutch haunting story, yay! I’ve never heard scary stories that happened in my country, it’s always US or UK :P

..sorry you were haunted by your grandpa though..

Me too! I was laughing so hard and he just stared at me

Could it also be because the US/World is experiencing a lot of shit and the public is using their time and money protesting and standing up for what they believe in if/when they can?

Oh well, can’t be aware of everything right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You are not. I know what he went through is a lot, I get that, but I also might wonder wether maybe Sam isn’t also a little... Slow.

Ohh.. Yeah I guess you’re right, it wasn’t very much. Although I feel like we got a decent look at this future and that it wasn’t right for the character (and why) I guess we didn’t see much of it. Maybe the setting will come back in another King book :P

I agree! When I see that mistrustful/suspicious look on Franco’s face it just isn’t the Jake that I remember. I don’t see him walking to the place without trust but more in a hesitant ‘well I’ll humor him’ kind of way.

Wasn’t the future where he wandered down a street for a bit (a street that looked like it had been a warzone) and then almost got beaten up or something? And some old geezer in a wheelchair ‘saved’ him and he spent a few hours with the old guy to find out what had happened to the world and then realised that this

That picture is just adorable and the story only makes it better! The two of you are sooo cute!

He(she?) is so cute! How could you ever get mad at a cuty face like that!

I got these in two huge hardback books last year! The foldout poster that came with it is standing in my living room in a frame as we speak! :D

Hogwash! I will admit that I’ve added people on Tinder or likewise apps/sites simply because guys that otherwise seemed rather boring, had a cat. Which was a huge bonus in their favour. Those people don’t know what they talk about, clearly.

I think we’re out of luck..

This is what I really want to know too... Please tell me he isn’t playing the love interest... Nothing about him seems like the character at all. Even if the character creeped me the hell out, he is specifically mentioned to be young and mysterious, not old and fatherly, like Tom Hanks..

Over the past hour I’ve gone from

How SCARY was Fairuza Balk, for real. Also Skeet Ulrich scared the crap out of me when he was going all obsessive over Sarah. And I found Sarah, who of course starts off as a blank sheet of paper (in what might now be considered Twilight fashion, but instead of bad, is actually a good thing) and becomes a total badass

And it ïs EVERYWHERE. Every single damn dinosaur seems to be malnourished! I’d just never realized before! Maybe they do this because it makes them look extra scary?

That makes perfect sense! I hadn’t seen that before, thanks for sharing it :)