
Wait, wait, wait! Didn’t they, at some point, cover themselves in zombie goo??? Like, in Atlanta?? Or at some other point in the first or second season? that Terry Crews?!?!!

If you stare long enough, she does start to look like Kesha!!!


Nooo...That is just too cuckoo bananas.

YES! I was reading it about 30 minutes ago to my one-year-old and I was like, “Who leaves their two little ones home alone?! And why the fuck is this fish the most sensible one around???!!!”

Omfg. This makes me so happy. I love everything about this post.

WHAAAAT?!!! Chef Brockett was in Night of the Living Dead!!! And he did that weird segment where he was at a cake decorating contest in a mall!!!

Ooohhh, we’ve been watching Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood here and then we watched a part of a Daniel Tiger episode. We found it lacking and, thankfully, so did BabyBearSmash, who is only ever really engaged with screentime when it’s Mr. Rogers.

Which is totally fine and perfectly friendly and completely appreciated. It’s just something to keep in mind when you’re speaking with people. I’ve had people ask me what my ethnicity is in really tactless, completely horrible ways, and I’ve had people who have been much more reasonable about it. Generally, though,

This is so helpful!

I really enjoy it when people tell me that my English is so fluent and that I speak it really well!

How many times has someone asked you where you’re from when really they’re trying to get at your ethnicity?

I always answer with, “[small town], Texas!” and a big grin as I walk away. My husband thinks the ensuing frustration on the other person’s part is hilarious.

Hanna was the prettiest action film I have ever seen. (I have seen too many. My dad wanted a boy, he got me instead and I got to watch a bunch of terrible action movies and learned how to fix stuff.) I think I watched it on a flight on a whim and then made my husband watch it with me on the way back. I can’t remember

Will Yun Lee is so, so good! And an immortal vampyre?!!

American gods is not terrible! And holy shit, Orlando Jones has this amazing monologue that is so, so good and horribly relevant.

Jeebus. This is some brownshirt gestapo bullshit. Omfg.

I mean, naked mole rats are pretty small...