
I tell my husband all the time that things won’t get better for MEN unless they start standing up for themselves when it comes to taking time off for sick kids and school events. Part of the problem is the older male generation, who absolutely do not see any reason for men to take time off for their children. Can’t

“Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.”

Just a cold bitch and I loved every second of her screen time

I knew that she wasn’t long for the Seven Kingdoms, but it was still sad to see the Queen of Thorns go. She had some of the best one-liners in the series, and Diana Rigg just nailed every scene.

I, uh, rented a basement apartment and didn’t set myself on fire* at 25.

That, or he just couldn’t stop kicking the back of the pilot’s seat...

Great comment. Just another big fucking turd on the t Rex dungpile we’ve already got to endure.

Perfect metaphor for America right now. Nobody but a fucking asshole wants the president we have, and nobody but a fucking asshole wants to see this team in another Super Bowl. Just one more thing to endure.

Bitter AF. I’m a lifelong Georgia girl and I’m bummed. My little kids are bummed. My oldest is going through a gun-loving republican phase, so he’s happy, but he’s also 14 and dumb, so fuck his stupid opinions. 

Without a doubt. But the way she has handled this, acknowledging that this is a lost battle while still not recognizing the results as legitimate, is an amazing mix of political smarts and class. We have not seen the last of her.

Stacey Abrams was robbed and the voters in Georgia were robbed, ug.

Aw, I was hoping the answer was “dress in a bear suit and punch her in the face.” I can't stop saying "ISIS ISIS BABY" in my mind.

I see these fucking 3% assholes all over here in NC with the stickers on their trucks. They’re advertising that they’re terrorists and get to just walk around free.  Fucking Vanilla ISIS.

My friend teaches a college course that satisfies a diversity requirement for business majors. She says this semester has been terrible, with a large portion of the students utterly refuse to engage with the materials (53%: The Next Generation,) but one did say she understood what it’s like being a minority as she’s

Thank you for finally speaking against Tatum, your stand has inspired in me the courage to say that he has a block head.

I’ve said this before but it bears repeating: remember when the GOP would go on and on about Islamic radicalization? Well what do you think will result from these atrocities our government is perpetrating? There will be a reckoning 15-20 years from now and it will be a bad one.

Do people really think it was her? I don’t think that op-ed had anything plagiarized from Michelle Obama, did it?

Aeration is an important part of lawn maintenance.

My “favorite” are the guys who complain about women breastfeeding in church. My man, if a woman feeding her child drives you to such distraction then you should do as the good lord says and gouge your own fucking eyes out (Matthew 5:29-30, for those interested). Too extreme? Then just mind your own damn business.