
Which is totally fine and perfectly friendly and completely appreciated. It’s just something to keep in mind when you’re speaking with people. I’ve had people ask me what my ethnicity is in really tactless, completely horrible ways, and I’ve had people who have been much more reasonable about it. Generally, though,

This is so helpful!

I really enjoy it when people tell me that my English is so fluent and that I speak it really well!

How many times has someone asked you where you’re from when really they’re trying to get at your ethnicity?

I always answer with, “[small town], Texas!” and a big grin as I walk away. My husband thinks the ensuing frustration on the other person’s part is hilarious.

Jeebus. This is some brownshirt gestapo bullshit. Omfg.

Same....I kept waiting for it and here I am wading through the comments.


We bought headphone, ear muffs for the baby when he was, like, three months old.

My husband plays “magic dance” for our toddler! ..and Wu Tang Clan and The Misfits and The Replacements and most recently High on Fire, the latter of which is more of a mom thing than a dad thing, but whatevs.

Nearly every injustice that makes headlines can be attributed to “white male privilege.” Hell, a smattering of our arguments at home can be attributed to white male privilege.

I mean, she might be a harbinger of the apocalypse with a few catchy tunes, but she should be having girl feuds about nothing instead of being groped and sued by some grotesque radio dj. She fought back and it was crickets for her. There was no #MeToo campaign for her. It’s kind of sad.

It’s made even more poignant by the fact that it happened in Philly, where I’m pretty sure our city motto is “Go fuck yourself!”

Moved to Philly from Texas. I have never experienced more blatant sexism or racism in my whole life and I grew up in a small town. I’ve entered establishments with my white husband and have felt palpable Alabama levels of “fuck you, you don’t belong here” versus the typical “go fuck yourself” that is

Ha! Is it not in the best interest of Democrats or the people at large? They’ll try!!!!

A better apology? How about an actual apology? Or how about some actual goddamned remorse?

Yeah, BabyBearSmash and I have been watching the Best of Mr. Rogers on Amazon and he’s a fucking treasure. There is an episode to help kids (and maybe even parents) with every possible topic. Holy crap, I feel like we would all be better humans if we watched old episodes daily. I choose to believe he was pure for the

It’s helpful with newly mobile babies??? ...I guess?? I usually bring BabyBearSmash with me into the kitchen and he goes into his circle of neglect (Jungle Jumperoo) or his throne of neglect (high chair).

The husband, I think, finally realizes that things typically work out when I have free reign; pink isn’t so terrible, dark colors can help define a space, dark colors in a small room don’t necessarily make it feel smaller, etc.

My kitchen is a pretty peachy pink and it makes my MIL want to vom. I love my kitchen so much. Also, Ikea kitchens? Kind of amazing for the money...