
After we bought our house, I was appalled when my husband was like, “Let’s take down these walls...” What happened to maintaining the integrity of the house? What happened to not wanting to cram a modern house into a 1930s frame?? We’d had this discussion along with one about how we didn’t want a Home Depot reno with

HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. My MIL believes in forced sterilization, but believes life begins at conception. When she told me this last summer, when I was five months pregnant, thinking that I “would understand in [my] condition,” I exclaimed, in front of my husband, that I would abort my pregnancy the next day if that

High-five! I was just thinking about this today. We are many, many years from having this discussion with our son...who is an infant...or toddler? (He’s toddling around...sure.) My parents never spoke to me about sex aside from telling me to not have it and then my mother asked me once if I was still a virgin at some

It hasn’t been a year and I’m still angry that at two weeks postpartum my unadulterated, new mom-bliss was marred by this ugly shit storm of an election. (Election day was glorious until the returns came in...) Also, thank goodness we had this kid, because he is like Xanax in human form. soooo depressing. this an actual quote?

You’re forgetting “#bluelivesmatter”....oh, wait, maybe you didn’t because it’s too fucking stupid to mention!

I’m all for giving police departments Union Soldier statues!

I was on a fucking COOKING website and was reminded of this.

You are absolutely correct. Basically, we’re all just fucked. Oof. I get super pessimistic when my baby naps.

And it’s a power trip for them. They want nothing more for you to comply with their authority and you are so fucked and/or dead if you don’t and you happen to be a person of color.

Or he’s a gay-sex having man?

Evil Race Bannon...Are we entirely certain he isn’t totally sparkle ponies gay himself? I feel like the lady doth protest too much? Maybe has firsthand knowledge of electroshock “therapy”?

I’m totally stealing this. @prisonculture has a number of orange themed nicknames for him and they are all too kind. Calling him a thin-skinned piece of shit is insulting to shit. I have more respect for dog poop smeared across a sidewalk than I have for our current administration.

 I loved that shirt! And I loved how often he wore it!

I’ve been using

It’s horrifying.

Calling him a “thin-skinned baby” is insulting to babies... Then again, calling him a semi-sentient flaming pile of dog shit is insulting to dog shit...So I guess our options are limited.

Whuut?! I’ve been in Keeping-Newborn-Alive-Mode....So I’ve missed a lot.

The only appropriate response: Sploosh!