See? That’s the thing I worry about. Incubating BabyBearSmash has 17 days left in my body. I want it to be as peaceful an environment I can make it during an election year.
See? That’s the thing I worry about. Incubating BabyBearSmash has 17 days left in my body. I want it to be as peaceful an environment I can make it during an election year.
I’m torn between watching and waiting for the postmortems once it’s all over.
We must take the higher road...and deep, cleansing breaths....and maybe some Xanax...maybe a drink....maybe you can do those last two things for me because I’m very, very pregnant at the moment and if I can’t drink and have a goddamn Xanax during this shit show, someone should.
Oh, for sure! OH-OH!!! And if you missed the VP debate and you’re torn between wanting to know how it went versus wanting to be at peace with yourself and your universe, may I suggest you read the transcripts? I was reduced to screaming at the various broadcasts like a crazy old man trapped in a pregnant lady’s…
As a pregnant lady, that’s not nice thing to do to pregnant ladies...
In middle school this asshole used to leave his hand on my desk seat and waited for me to sit down. I’m a dummy for never reporting it.
Did you not see that insane town hall he did with Cinton and the anthropomorphic, bewigged orange turd that the GOP nominated for as their presidential candidate?
For fucking sure. Did you read the Democracy Now transcript? It is rage inducing how ineffective CPS is. I feel like half of my husband’s clients wouldn’t be on death row if there had been early intervention during childhood. We’re failing the most vulnerable children.
Bresha’s biggest problem is going to be that she’s a child of color. Francine was lucky enough to be a white woman.
I would still argue PTSD. That sort of trauma takes its toll and when you aren’t personally in the thick of it, it’s difficult to really grasp the sense of fear and distress a victim is feeling.
If it makes you feel better (it won’t) I’ve experienced a tremendous amount of racism from both Caucasians and African-Americans since moving to Philly not to mention galling amounts of sexism from pretty much everyone all the time. And what’s even more fun is the discrimination from other Asian ethnicities. I was…
Holy shit. 15 year olds are not adults. Also, clearly this kid suffers from PTSD. Mitigating circumstances, y’all. Killing is wrong and terrible, but this child can’t be held culpable for her actions.
It’s a Philly hospital! I mean, we’ve yet to deliver, but the hospital participates in our insurance plan and it is super baby-friendly and everyone we know loved their experience there. I feel like we have lucked out.
Wait...why?? How are fruits and veggies a bad thing???
I think we all know we’ll miss Michelle the most when Obama leaves office.
Oh, for sure. I mean, Philly is riddled with corruption. Local government needs a CTRL + alt + del. The city council just passed a regressive soda tax that was supposed to go towards funding pre-k, but nope. They get a pittance and the rest goes into a “general fund.”
Yes, yes, yes, to everything you’re saying. Holy crap. The answer isn’t charter schools, the answer isn’t private fucking prisons! (We have a friend who is an anti-private prison advocate and I think he’d be stoked about losing his job. There are plenty of other injustices to correct.)
This is sooooo insane to me. Our hospital doesn’t do that. Birth is birth is birth and you get paid the same rate for vaginal or cesarean births.
People here can’t seem to correlate that taxes equal services. I mean, I live in Philadelphia and I totally understand why people here are reluctant to pay taxes here. Philly is corrupt as fuck. Money gets pocketed by select individuals and services fall by the wayside. However, if we just scrapped everyone…