
Every pregnancy is different, so stop checking out other posts and get into the habit of relying upon the wisdom of medical professionals because fuck all of those mommy blogs and their self-entitled, holier than thou bullshit. Feel free to listen to what people have to say, but feel equally free to chuck it by the

Healthcare shouldn’t be a “business” in the first place.

Oh, sure. I realize that now.

Yeah, I didn’t think I could be more disgusted. My dad saw combat in Vietnam and still suffers from nightmares....which have gotten worse as he’s gotten older... He is still the strongest, toughest man I know and that this raging asshole implies that he and other soldiers can’t handle the stresses of war is soooo

It’s amazing. I didn’t think he could be more offensive....and then he pulled this shit?

OMG. I suggested this to a former colleague recently and it was the greatest revelation to her. I was so glad we were on the phone so she couldn’t see me shaking my head in dismay.

Were you at my high school? It happened so frequently my freshmen year that my English teacher decided that we would just continue with class outside....which meant performing our Romeo and Juliet special a parking front of the entire school essentially. God...high school was hell.

This is amazing. It’s like extension of being cute in general so you’re compelled to take care of them.

Ohhh, yes, it’s an election year. I am familiar with this deep cleansing/calming breath business.

This is comforting! We’re expecting BabyBearSmash in four weeks. (FOUR WEEKS!!!!) We are having a tiny human male. I worry...

Seriously? Everyone is reporting surges and the NY Times has this stupid graphic up every day. 538 has them within a couple of insignificant points of each other. Who needs to lie?

Plus, he kinda looks like a tool. Is he wearing an “I love guns & coffee” t-shirt? [eyeroll]

Every morning I check when I wake up (which I need to stop doing), Trump gains a point or two. She’s lost at least 20 points so far in about a month or so.


[slaps forehead]

Can someone explain to me hwy the news is making such a a big deal out of this? First of all, she was lowballing when she said half of his supporters wrre bigots, etc. and secondly, ummmm, it isn’t incorrect. Also, calling someone racist and xenophobic are not some of the most vile things you can call someone...

Agreed. After re-reading that Barrett Browning sonnet plus this?!! I’m a mess. I blame incubating baby...

Unfortunately, horrifyingly, yes...

Treats is excellent. I highly recommend it. I don’t really love anything that’s followed unfortunately.

My husband and I follow each other on Instagram. We’ve never been Facebook friends though.