
Because she’s using her breasts to feed her child which is practical and, oh, biologically what they are meant to do....and it’s in no way sexualizing her breasts or body. It’s stupid.

Oh, fuck, as if I could love Viola Davis even more...oh, wait, turns out I can!

Well, her boobs are too big for the cups. It’s not flattering. This is a constant battle of mine.

I remember buying a pair of Steve Madden boots I saw in a Seventeen Magazine.... They were awesome...

They never stick around our yard. I think they sense I would put them in clothes. I do own a shit ton of craft supplies.

Thank you!! Ohhh, John Oliver....what would we do without you?

Oh, for sure! He is lovely!!

Yes. I second this.

He’s a beautiful idiot, what did we expect? Of course he thinks it’s blue.

It’s kind of Roger Sterling... I feel conflicted....and dirty.

It’s not about shitting on victims. If you’re on a defense team the victims can’t be relevant to what you’re doing. Victims don’t have rights, or shouldn’t, within the court system. It’s not an easy idea to swallow, for sure, but it’s one meant to keep the sides honest.

According to my husband and all of our other public defender friends, “Victims don’t have rights.”

Ooh...This sounds like a parenting pro-tip!

I had an employer who hated my breasts. I’m a fairly small person with disproportionately large breast and she hated them. Once she even suggested she could work out a deal with one of our plastic surgeon clients.

This is fucking adorable. 😍😍😍

That’s mean to Satan’s bunghole.

Eeeeeeeee! That puppy has a heart shaped spot!


I try to keep Dawn on hand for grease stains on clothes and pepper accidents. My routine for accidental peppering is: olive oil rub, dish soap lathering, and rubbing alcohol dousing if the first two fail to stop the burning.

OMG!!! I say this all the fucking time!!! It’s all I could think about when I heard delusional Sanders supporters talking about not voting for Hillary and possibly voting for Stein or Trump. I mean, especially with Mike Pence as, people...