Atwood is a fabulous, prescient witch. I love her so hard.
Atwood is a fabulous, prescient witch. I love her so hard.
For reals! I’m from Houston and currently live in Philadelphia. Up until recently, I reveled in comparing the summer forecast here to Houston’s. Now... it’s basically Houston up here. WTF.
Are we really going to reward people for being decent human beings? Shouldn’t we just be decent people? Shouldn’t that be our default setting?
This is the most hilarious thing I’ve read today.
For sure. My white husband feels the same way. He is reluctant to get the police involved because of how they might escalate any given situation. Also, through his job he is more than familiar with their shit corrupt ways and just how generally awful they are, especially in Philly.
Nope! I would not say that I respect the police. I regard them in the same way as a rabid, wild animal. (And truthfully, I have more respect for diseased wild animals.)
Yeaaaahhh!!! We announced mother’s day weekend at 16 weeks with the okay from our OB. It was early-ish to me, but my husband and I also failed to tell our families (and our friends) that we eloped....soooooooo we felt obligated/compelled to tell everyone about this in a timely fashion for a change. We made a very…
But they’re only “pro-family” to subjugate women and minorities and to keep poor people poor.
Yes, yes, yes!!! We imbue them with more than just life merely by WANTING them and no woman should ever be forced to carry a child if she doesn’t want to. We need to stop thinking about pregnancies in terms of cooing fat babies and realize that those babies grow up and cost money. It’s 2016, dammit, we’ve got a cure…
Holy shit. I can’t with this family leave situation. I’ve had friends who took the bare minimum allowed and returned to their jobs feeling totally fucking displaced. And when one of them tried to confront their employer about it she was accused of being hormonal, shrill, and paranoid.
Can’t I just rely on my physical appearance to be sexy?
She was visibly shocked and looked about as grossed out and disappointed as the time I told her I was painting my kitchen pale pink. And then my husband intervened and then she said something else that was horribly offensive that he went off on. [rolls my eyes]
Katie McGinty showed up at the dive bar across the street from our house before the PA primaries! AND she did a round of Quizzo!
OMFG...why don’t people understand this???
1. This warms my soul to the core.
It was probably really humid?
Omg. I love this so fucking hard.
No baby carrier? No car seat?!
And the men that do the sexing? They’re cool in all that, right?