
Well! There goes my morning!

Dear Vox Populist,

So in re-reading, for years, scientists have been able to keep embryos alive for about a week. They are now able to keep them alive for about a week longer. They’ve done this with human embryos. SCIENCE,!!!

Actually! There’s a recent story about scientists being able to keep embryos viable outside the womb for more than two weeks, but don’t do anymore with them beyond two weeks because of potentially ethical issues. Soo...progress? Also, SCIENCE!!!!

My favorite is when men try to encourage me to smile. It’s not patronizing or galling at all.

Yup. I am never ready to witness carnage of any kind. Also, my husband cycles to work and I am fearful a lot. Philly has the worst drivers.

Ohhhh, the late 90's...

Valid if you’re really into monogramming all your stuff??


That makes me more than a little ragey for you.

Little ones really shouldn’t be unattended. They do things like jump into gorilla habitats or they’ll dart out of clothing racks at a shop whereupon they’ll smack into one of my knees and onto the hard linoleum floors and it’s not my flipping fault your kid is crying on the floor because he ran into my knee and onto

I would probably listen to that...

Finally!!!! Some good fucking news!

Oh, crap. And I was doing so well with the not bawling today! #ThanksBabyHormones

Ohhh, man. I used to not be severely, oh, shit, where’s my epi-pen allergic. I crave a Cajun boil like nobody’s business; shrimp, crawfish, sausage, corn, potatoes, and enough spice to make your lips burn or it isn’t right!

For fucking serious. I’m currently incubating a baby boy (who, btw, might want me dead as all I crave right now is shellfish...which I am allergic to. What the hell, baby?) and raising him to be a decent human being is paramount to me.

Oh, but why would you skip the celebrity in a reasonably priced car segment? It’s not like this iteration was entirely awkward, painful, and stretched on for far too long...OH, WAIT.

Joey was actually pretty good!

Currently watching this episode with the husband. I feel dirty.

Popped on over to Jezebel because every single story on Gawker made me want to vomit.