
[squeals with delight]

Nail wraps???!!?!?!!!!!

Nope! And John Cho is, like, 40 or so! I got carded buying tickets to see Deadpool! Being Asian as an adult is kind of awesome.

I love his recent turn as ambiguous/obvious villains! He’s forever Dr. Huang to me from SVU...who was a pretty neat character to have on TV at the time.

Have you read Bitch Planet? Kelly DeConnick worked on Captain Marvel and was accused of “trying to push her feminist agenda” because she changed Carol Danvers’ costume! Bitch Planet was her answer to that. It is fucking rage-inducing and glorious all at once.

Was going to look up some baby wombat videos to cheer myself up...but this did the trick.

Internet hugs to you and your partner. Our 20 week ultrasound is coming up and these laws make me so fucking angry. “It’s to prevent fetal pain...” I heard one moronic woman try to explain. There’s a special place in hell for these women. Forcing a woman to carry a child with no hope for a normal healthy life is

That’s sooo 2012...

Oh, my! They are so fun live!!! She is flipping adorbs!!! And really seems to believe she sings like Annie.

That show was a gift that was squandered.

Wow. How the hell did I miss this story??

Yeah. I still can’t process the cancellation of Agent Carter. Pregnancy hormones will just overload the system and shit will fall apart here.

Healthcare should be a fucking right and not a business.

I had an older female employer who HATED my breasts because they were too large and they made me look fat from the rib cage up.

I was a 36G and am now a 36K at 17 weeks along. However, it appears the weight is going to baby and to my breasts, so yay? I guess?

My mom is an A-cup on a good day and the planets are aligned.

I have been leered at since I was 11 or 12. In in my 30's now.

All my life, my breasts have had their own social circle and gossip.

And they’re banking on overturning Roe v. Wade.

Ugh. Did you tell him to grow the fuck up?