
And he’s little!!! He’s like a pocket pit!!!


Multiple. Showers. Are. INSANE.

Thank you. Gender reveal events are ridiculous.

Birds are gross anyway.

HUZZAH!!!! Very excited about this list. I’m currently incubating a tiny human and Zika is say the least. Plus, mosquitoes LOVE me. I use unscented everything and when it gets warm I stop using perfume.

HUZZAH!!!! Very excited about this list. I’m currently incubating a tiny human and Zika is say the

That guy has the best moves!!!!

High five! Baby faces, FTW!!!!

Huh. Interesting... I feel I, tiny asian woman, often self-identify as a “curmudgeon.” I mean, “curmudgeonette” just seems ridiculous...

Awwwww! I’m so sorry!!!! I didn’t mean to ruin your french fry/endorphin high!!!! Big hugs and baby wombat videos to you!!!! (I need all the baby wombat videos like all the’s an election year and I’m awash with hormones and filled with growing baby.)

You know what’s fun/heartbreaking? Binge-watching ST: TNG AND The West Wing. All of the optimism and idealism is like a crazy leftist fever dream and then I check the Gawkers and the Jezebels and the news blogs and I’m quickly reminded everything is terrible. Sigh.

I would totally watch that.

Send it back!!!! Do not want!!!!

She had to fail at looking practically perfect some time.

Didn’t Bill Murray throw someone’s phone off a rooftop? People would probably start screaming about Schumer being a screeching pile of hormones if she did anything like that.

Schmaltz away!!! There’s only so much kitten, puppy, baby wombat videos can do, you know...

Just found the husband’s selective service notification postcard from forever ago in a bundle of family documents. It was strangely chilling and sad.

It was his average American male look!

Get more Pez!!!!

Right? Prince covering any song is a gift.