Booyakasha Booyakasha III

“Constant calls for violence” by liberals is “observable phenomenon?” You might need to cut down on your meds. Or start taking some. Because you seem to be having hallucinations.

Angry Nobody Internet Loser Angry at Successful Comedian.

I think I’ve heard this song before.

That you were going to argue that antisemitism is okay? Yeah, buddy, it was.

Really? Because “progressives love political violence, think free speech is hate speech, judge everyone by race, and want socialism” makes you sound like a Breitbart commenter.

This is second time me have seen someone misuse phrase “changing classic literature.” Is someone advocating erasing past episodes of Simpsons? Issue O’Neal wrote article about is that Simpsons did deftly and respectfully handle Apu issue in past, but in recent episode, essentially said, “we have every right to be

> Go cry more you stupid fucking baby.

Probably. Louis CK is good at that.

The answer is, for the record, that the immigrant parents don’t have the same experience of growing up as cultural/racial minorities, and hence their formative years weren’t defined by racist stereotypes in the same way that the younger, American-born people’s were. Their stance towards that kind of thing is the same

“Liberals are against political violence, pro-free speech, and refuse to judge people on race, plus they support a market economy.

They’re not demands, they’re suggestions. Suggestions he offered in response to a question he was asked outside of his documentary. You chide me for not seeing what’s right there in the article, but you’re the one redefining context: the article above literally uses the phrase “Kondabolu’s suggestion” right before the

Household income for Jewish families is higher than the overall white average. Does that mean antisemitic jokes are fair game? ( know what? Don’t answer that. I’m not sure I want to know your response.)

For me at least it tipped me over from “disappointed/sadly resigned” to “active dislike.” This contemptuous, passive aggressive, lazily fourth wall-breaking bullshit is sub-Family Guy level.

Stupid babies need the MOST attention!

What to do with Apu requires a creative and inventive solution.

That has...nothing to do with this issue?

Any comedian or comedy show who’s reduced to bitching about “political correctness” has run out of material.

One of the (many) things I hate about this is how they utterly corrupted Lisa’s character to make her a mouthpiece for the writers who refuse to adapt and learn. As a character she’s always been outspoken, but she’s been upheld as the show’s moral center just as much as she’s been portrayed as a humorless scold (often

His mom thinks he’s cool!

No one cares what you think.

I very clearly remember people losing their minds over the most banal things coming out of Bart’s mouth, like the word “hell”.