Booyakasha Booyakasha III

They absolutely do not, unless they make signficant alterations.

“Taylor Swift needs her ass whooped. [...] I want to beat Taylor Swift and everyone at Spotify at the same damn time.”

“Who us shutting down speeches? The right?”

Are you asking if hypocrisy exists? Yes, hypocrisy exists. It is not endemic to any particular political slant. Your insistence that it is only betrays your own biases.

The point of the festival, like all the major film festivals, is to connect films with distributors. The awards are just a bonus marketing tool.

Awards shows, no, but film festivals — which often include awards — are *absolutely* about connecting flms with distributors. That is literally the whole point of them.

“You said that anyone calling themselves a classical liberal in NA had some history to read.”

Yup. It’s kinda weird it took DNA to settle it, though.

He saw that episode of The Simpsons and thought it was a documentary.

Where are your sources saying it’s NOT about Stormy Daniels?

When did I claim that there were *never* classical liberals in North America? Some time between your PCP and your crystal meth?

Ah, there’s that Trumpist projection. You couldn’t possibly be the delusional one; it must be everybody who’s telling you you’re wrong who is delusional. They should fuck off.

You — or Breitbart — have got it into your head that “anti-speech progressives” are a thing. That is your nonsense to deal with, and it is not worth arguing with.

You mean the strawman in the fictional story?

You seem to mean, from the context of your previous comments, that you are a *classical* liberal. Classical liberals ARE NOT, AND NEVER HAVE BEEN, ON THE LEFT, and, in North American politics, are nowhere close to the same thing as a liberal.

Classical liberals are better known in North America as “libertarians.” They are made up exclusively of corporate shills and the suckers they’ve duped into believing the lie that corporate freedom (from responsibility) means personal freedom (from responsibility). Not fascist. Just evil and/or stupid. VERY likely to

LOL. Do you even know what any of those words mean? ‘Cause, like, if you do, you’re three kinds of wrong.

Hey, everybody, it’s Al Jean! Hi, Al! Your show sucks, and it’s your fault!

Because Al Jean is a talentless hack who is the sole reason for the decline of The Simpsons.

I’m sorry —are you simply unaware that racism is a thing?