Booyakasha Booyakasha III

Uhh... Welcome back from your decade-long coma. Hari Kondabolu is one of the most famous standups in the world.


Even completely obsessive LOTR fans were completely fucking sick of this shit by the end of the second Hobbit movie, and these dumbasses paid a billion dollars to make it a streaming show? Yikes. So, so, so stupid. Did Amazon Prime hire a bunch of Yahoo! Screen rejects or something?

That’s cool, but it means that’s a two-way mirror. If there’s a TV behind it, there’s no reason there couldn’t be a camera behind it too.

“Hopper Penn” sounds like a room in a slaughterhouse.

Glad you did your homework, but sadly, it has earned you a D-.

The other day I saw a comment from a Petersonite claiming that Marxists run all the banks. That is the level of intellect they’re functioning with.

Maybe he was saying it rocks because of all the awesome meth.


You misspelled “Don,” Mr. President.

The Buttafuoco case is a little different than all these other “hey, remember Goat Boy?” movies, in that it garnered a TV movie right away.


As detailed in the above thread, their contracts contain penalties for quitting. Like, they give up their paycheck, sure, duh, but also, they have to pay back a ridiculously huge chunk of money they’ve already made. If they’re barely scraping by, guess who’s now tens of thousands in debt?

This particular message was benign — albeit pretty hypocritical. The main thing wrong with it is that it is presented as a message from your local station when it’s really a forced message from their corporate overlords. That is itself a form of “fake news,” which the message purports to be against. Also, it takes

“It got us one less bigot to deal with.”

In second-degree murder, “malice aforethought” means you meant to do the thing that caused the death, whether you meant to cause the actual death or not. He meant to punch her in the head, and that’s what killed her. He is guilty of second-degree murder. That’s what second-degree murder is.

Unfortunately, the “I didn’t mean to kill her” defense only applies when you didn’t mean to do the thing that caused the death. He meant to hit her, and that’s how she died. Ipso facto, Murder 2.

Turns out, maybe getting punched in the head for a living has certain unfortunate knockoff effects? Who’da thunk?

Does he get to wear one of those scary masks now, or are those just for nose stuff?

It’s the skull, dude. One big bone. It can break into a bunch of little pieces, but, yeah.