Booyakasha Booyakasha III

Maybe while the officials are learning kinesiology, Kwang should learn to skate.


As with lighted vs. lit, either is acceptable.

This is just another “Netflix Original” that is just some old thing Netflix bought and put their logo on.

Thanks, Daniel. Your input about feminism is highly valued, Daniel.

Well if they’re on reddit — and r/The_Donald, at that— you can be sure they must be real people, because that place is definitely, definitely, definitely not rife with Russian phonies.

My first and only thought upon seeing that photograph: LYME DISEASE!

The erosion of the Trump trademark will be fun to watch in the coming years. There will invariably be (*shudder*) public schools and whatnot named after the man; is he going to sue them?


Underestimate the number of women whose racism trumps their feminism at your own peril. There are . . . many.

Guys, guys, guys!

Yes. The difference is the price.

Dude. You’re offended by the definite article. That’s hardly a position from which anyone should be calling anyone else delicate. There is no one, anywhere, wussier than you.

Psychosis and pychopathy are two VERY different things. Please learn that difference.

Surely you can tell a divorce attorney.

Jared might.

Does plugging himself into the wall socket count? Creepotron 5000 gotta recharge somehow.

*holds envelope to turban*

Taupe Bricks?

Fine. It’s still ugly as fuck.