Your specious reasoning being that no one who claims to love puppies could possibly be an asshole?
Your specious reasoning being that no one who claims to love puppies could possibly be an asshole?
Huh? All we *want* is what’s beyond Thunderdome, memba?
Clear? Let me introduce you to my friend Mogen David.
Hey! Some of us are cat people!
Morrissey is not playing in my town any time soon. Apparently we kill too many seals here in Toronto.
Why would anyone think he looks like a Bond villain? He looks like the kind of guy who drives extra, extra “cautiously” through school zones.
*Sandy Duncan eagerly waits by the phone*
You know how to sniff out the bullshit, but hew to the generation blah is like blah malarkey. Go sniff yourself.
Yeah. That must be the reason.
“Doesn’t change the fact that Marlene was an avid anti-fascist.”
You know, we all know what you mean when you say, “Enjoy your afternoon,” Miss Manners.
Don’t tell her nazi fans.
“Just because t swift doesn’t want to make her political opinions public does NOT mean she automatically supports Trump. It could mean that she just doesn’t like getting into any political debates because no matter who she supports she’s going to get push back from people”
To be clear (which, it’s frustratig that this article isn’t, because it’s not difficult), the original blog post didn’t make those claims directly, but <i>quoted Neo-nazi websites that did</i>, and wondered aloud if there was anything real to that, and dared to suggest (not “require,” as Swift’s lawyer says) that…
“Nazis are bad” should not be a controversial statement.
Sexiest Man With A Manager Who Still Sees Value In Appearing On Snot-Covered Magazine In Doctor’s Office
The answer to the first question is, well, people don’t really care much at all. Stuff doesn’t get into the news because the people care. It gets into the news because public relations people put it there.
This guy claims to be getting death threats. What to do? Oh, I know! Stalk him.
Swift cancellation.
[Dahmer joke]