Booyakasha Booyakasha III

“greater varety by a billion companies”

People who got no sleep the night before and just can’t figure out why.

Same shit, bigger price tag.

You don’t watch any thoughtful, good TV shows either, apparently.

The AV Club


If your dick cheese is blue, it might be time for your annual bath.

A restaurant might.

If you’re confusing a 5L keg with a 55gal drum, a ranchy dick is the least of your troubles.

What’s so “outrageous” about five litres of ranch, other than the price? That’s just a gallon and change. You can get a gallon of ranch for ten bucks on Amazon.

Sort of. And “forcing [you] to buy a private company’s product” affects this in what way, exactly? How is the national debt relevant to ACA?

The government already forces you to pay something for “existing.” It’s called tax.

1. The worsening or continuing of preexisting conditions is a possible eventuality. Very possible!

More things you don’t understand:

There’s a reason the Republicans regularly cut education funding.

Serious question: What do you think “droll” means?

But there is. They just prefer living in shit, as evidenced by their contining to vote for shitworld. Stop making excuses for them. This is their fault.

The rest of us know who Pam Adlon is, dumbass.

Don’t Stand By Me