Holy fuckbricks. For $800, why not?
Holy fuckbricks. For $800, why not?
Oh golly... this one’s tough.
Bring it! Can't wait!
By God, you’re right! Slant-six swap! Double woo!
If there was EVER a candidate for an LS swap, this is it right here. So, that said, NP for a decent shell that you could drive home under its own power. No trailer necessary. I’d bring it home to Chicago where the weather is just starting to get shitty, park it in back of the garage until April and then start busting…
I guess I was missing something at that. Oh well...c'est la guerre.
Truer words never saw daylight.
Well spaketh.
Well, yeah, obviously. But these were only available with the slushbox, so I’m not too bent out of shape about it.
$5,800? Only 84,000 miles? What the fuck is wrong with it?
If this is your thing, I say NP.
Ha! Pow!
Holy shit.
Get out of my way! This one’s mine!
Autotrader shows 9 of these for sale throughout the country. They’re rare, and getting rarer (more rare?) but not that rare. Yet.
Oh my God, no.
I live in Chicago, where rust is a way of life. Learn to embrace it. Befriend it. Love it.
Fuck no. Take of the 1 and I'll think about it. CP.
Nope. Nice truck, though.
Bikes like this are part of the reason why I hate being 6’6”.