
I’m sure losing the baby chub didn’t hurt, either.

Doesn’t Brooksie have a new wife? Is it possible he wed a lowly uneducated pleb? One who never even watched the Sopranos to learn the meanings of those various Italian dishes?

I’ve heard Tom Hardy which I don’t hate the idea of but I think it doesn’t leave a lot of time for other work and I think he usually chooses really interesting projects.

Hiddleston’s all wrong for the part, if they’re obsessed with having another white guy. All wrong. I don’t know why he’s even considered.

Black don’t crack.

I’m fine with Craig doing 007, but it is definitely time to see who’s next in the lineup. I’d be interested to see if Tom Hardy could pull it off. He’s got the rugged good looks, has some action adventure under his belt and most importantly he’s young enough to do several movies.

True, but I think Tom Hiddleston Trying will be a thing as long as he’s in the public eye. It’ll probably get worse once Loki is killed off for good.

I would be super into John Boyega as Bond, but there’s no way they’d cast him while he’s still doing Star Wars.

I’m just saying, this kind of thing never happens at a steakhouse.

*famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect way that is emblematic of a much larger problem: which is that white, cis, straight people refuse to recognize the spectrum, influence, and importance of queer history and culture.

I would not be surprised if James Franco was bi-sexual.

The uber rich, police commissioners, journalists...this shit sounds like a party at Wayne Manor. How come the Joker never crashes these types of events IRL?

What kills me though is how they don’t see how this is racist. They appropriate black culture to a level that literally uses black people as props and it is disgusting. What in the fuck could have ever made any human being on planet earth think that Kendall and Kylie Jenner had a right to so closely associate

Not every state recognizes a post-mortem right of publicity; a few, including New York, have statutorily rejected it. Furthermore, several states and one circuit court have held that the existence of a post-mortem right of publicity is governed by the laws of the domicile of the estate. So if Biggie’s estate resides

I am not surprised they didn’t know better, but I am surprised there wasn’t one person involved in this whole process who didn’t understand this very basic issue.

What the fuck does erasing history even mean. There are probably hundreds of thousands of books, scholarly articles, films etc about WW2 and the civil war.  

& yet he chose to risk “his dream” just to run around in a nazi uniform?

Pretty sure the human trafficking stats remain high in the countries that manufacture her shitty clothes.