Next, you’ll tell me that Fight Club wasn’t actually a ringing endorsement of male bonding through violence, and that American History X didn’t make being a neo-Nazi look cool.
What’s not fine is a Great Gatsby-themed wedding
That is so fucking gross, and he is disgusting for pressuring the girl to do the videos by saying if she was really his biggest fan she’d make them and then send them to him. Also, saying if she’s lucky he’d let her suck his dick makes me really angry because I’ve had dudes say that to me before and I was like pass…
OK, new rule: any sitting government official who answers ‘I can’t recall’ to any question about critical meetings they had under 6 months ago they had should be removed from office, because they are either a liar or have mental issues that disqualify them.
I love this story.
My dad is a liberal 58-year old science nerd who has no interest in pop culture, but who likes to keep up on the basics for when he gets on Jeopardy and there’s a “pop music” category.
Lilo was pretty good in parent trap though.
You’re assuming he would know enough to do that. I don’t think I can give him that much credit. I had a dream once where he couldn’t figure out how to access his voicemail. It was the most realistic dream I’ve ever had.
This is brilliant, and must immediately be released. Trump refrigerator poetry.
COUNTERPOINT: IPAs are meant to be passed over for something drinkable that doesn’t leave your mouth tasting like a goddamned medicine cabinet afterward.
As someone who has been to several chiropractors, I would say it depends on the chiropractor. 4/5 were complete quacks, but that last guy is worth his weight in gold. He’s basically just the best massage therapist ever.
Not all chiropractors traffic in pseudoscience. There are plenty of ones that stay in their lane and focus only on treating neck and back pain, and the efficacy of manual manipulation of the spine to treat those conditions is supported by peer reviewed studies. My mom has gone to see one for at least a decade to deal…
I dunno, I’ve known a couple chefs, and they basically never cooked when they weren’t at work. Like, maybe a grilled cheese. They also tend to regularly use interesting illegal drugs, which I am fine with, but wouldn’t marry.
I would also like to make fanny packs happen, although I’d probably go for the low-slung-across-my-hips look. I need my hands free dammit!
Maybe we talk to the Obama girls about how they felt about pics of their father being hung