When my mother talks about it, it’s always the man choosing the woman. She says, “He liked her,” and “He chose her.” It makes me rage. So, one day, when I’m feeling vicious, I might ask her how it feels no man chose her daughter.
Matt Rinaldi came up to us and made it a point to say, ‘I called (ICE) on all of them.’
I don’t disagree with your assessment (I remember feeling embarrassment about Harper and how he was stripping Canada of everything that made us something on the world stage) but I will say that as a Canadian, coming to this site and others like it, feels me with relief. It reinforces my belief that you aren’t all…
Don’t laugh. As an American, this is humiliating. Every childish, bully thing he does is a reflection on us, as a people. The outside world doesn’t see Americans as this split thing of people who voted for Trump and those who didn’t. They see us as one nation who elected this asshole (and there is no better term for…
Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Whole Foods and a free show? And closet space, to boot?
I actually ordered pancakes with ricotta cheese yesterday ON PURPOSE and they were incredibly delicious.
It’s probably best if we take over politics, academia, finance, big business (aside from secretarial/receptionist work, because that’s simple enough), and the world’s major religions, too. It’s for their own good, to have maternalistic women look out for them. Then they can focus on just taking care of the home and…
Its going to be amazing when the outcome of this election was that Ivanka is actually the puppet master and it wasn’t Donald that defeated Hillary but a well connected Russian sympathetic over-botoxed handbag designer did
I’d like to see things go well for her too. I’ve been thinking that she should do some quirky indie comedies. I think she could do well in them.
Probably? I also don’t have HBO and don’t actively seek out other ways to watch HBO sitcoms. Maybe I should have included that in my demographic information.
Yes, but that’s not how to Alt-Right and 4Chan creeps are using it, and that’s the group that liberals/leftists are trying to use the word against in an “ironic” ‘let’s use their language against them way’. I generally don’t assume people using the word in this way are trying to be anti-Black but I think they should…
I’m so glad the conservative part of my family is in France which makes them liberals in the US.
I’m not sure who drives me more insane: the Trump supporters or “anybody-than-Hillary” voters, especially those that are shocked, SHOCKED, at what a giant cluster this administration is.
I mean, Trudeau can do ridiculous yoga poses in a shirt and tie. Many Canadians may complain about some aspects of his leadership, but you can’t complain about his muscle tone.
“We still do beheadings for fun, Trumpinska. I am packed gristle, you are suet.”