Well, to be fair he was WASTED and 5 years younger than she is. One or the other probably would’ve been okay, but the combo was not great!
Well, to be fair he was WASTED and 5 years younger than she is. One or the other probably would’ve been okay, but the combo was not great!
My sister works in behavioral health, and her response last night was “Turfing it, typical ER.”
I just got caught up on Reality Steve. No spoilers but it turns out that Blake and “Waboom” actually know each other from another reality show. Yeah, they’ll be gone soon.
She’s in an apartment instead of some damn castle - she has her DOG with her - she gets to gush over the star treatment (this should have been done before, GOD what a missed opportunity). All in all it feels pretty real(ish). Given I’ve
watched up to the other girlfriends...
I may very well be the only one, but I like Wahboom. Maybe it’s because I’m used to being goofy to make my little kids laugh, but I think he’s a little funny in a completely unsophisticated way. He’s an innocuous antagonist; he’s not aggressive or violent or manipulative or deceitful, he’s just stupid. I can hang with…
Blake won’t last long. He’s making the classic mistake of focusing way more on one of the other guys (Wahboom) then he is focusing on Rachel. He and Wahboom will both be gone by week 4.
I think you got two white dudes mixed up here. The Penis Guy is Blake E. The Once You Go Black guy is Dean.
The Penis Guy aka Blake E was so concerning to me, because he was the same one who said ‘once you go black....” And Then he could not stop talking about his dick. And as a black woman that raised like 30 red flags. He’s low key fetishizing her. Or he has anxiety about having sex with a black woman. He’s the same dude…
I thought it was just him low key promoting his porn performances.
However, I am excited about the possibility of seeing an interracial couple that doesn’t involve a white person.
I think economics is probably the biggest factor. Women entering the workplace means you can be financially stable outside of marriage and you can leave when things go bad. My grandfather was a wife beating alcoholic, but my grandmother was only able to leave him when she started receiving benefits.
Just because it was more restrained doesn’t mean it wasn’t effective. You can’t fail to notice a hundred people walking out as you’re speaking.
The 7th or 8th year is the hardest, not the 1st. Sorry.
Thoughts and Prayers work people!
“the vast majority of Fox employees were sad” about his exit, and that the outside hatred towards him is what “killed him.”
I don’t even understand how there are people that didn’t get it?? Like they’re just commenting without reading right??? Then again there are enough idiots in the world that Donald is president.
Came for both the hilarious comments in response and the comments from people who totally didn’t get this and I am NOT disappointed!
Looking forward to my copy of ‘Rothkopf On Joanna: Who Am I? Who I Am, I Who Am.” - the bespoke limited edition, individually numbered and autographed by the author.
I’m sorry but THIS IS A PIECE OF GARBAGE and we should burn this site and ALL THE EDITORS to the ground because this is a serious feministic organization and we must endorse the true struggle. Like, I saw a woman earlier today who was sweating outside. Outside. There was sweat. All over her brow. It was hot, sure, but …