Maybe she instagram-stalked him before sending him a DM with a compliment to test the waters (AKA see if he would react with a big public “OMG Taylor Swift DMed me!!!”). After that, it was just a few conversations before she asked him out.
Maybe she instagram-stalked him before sending him a DM with a compliment to test the waters (AKA see if he would react with a big public “OMG Taylor Swift DMed me!!!”). After that, it was just a few conversations before she asked him out.
I watch Bravo and the Bachelorette and all the other trash TV because my other options are THE NEWS and no thank you.
Agreed. I watch Bravo and the Bachelorette and all the other trash TV because my other options are THE NEWS and no thank you.
I have this thought every time I am confronted with this picture. “Are those cut-out Melania and Donald heads?Are they wearing CROWNS?”
I laughed at no reward
That just hurts my eyes. I don’t get it.
The greatest side benefit of the iPhone is that I can pretend not to see you. Your own dumbass fault for getting pregnant.
How is it possible that this motherfucker has THE WORST possible taste with everything. Literally everything. He’s a fucking caricature.
Made it five seconds before De Laurentiis did her usual thing of over-pronouncing an Italian word to the point where I’m not sure if she’s meta-goofing on stereotypes or trying desperately to be authentic.
“Say hello to my little friend!!!” is something he says to Ivanka every night while Jared is plugged into a wall socket recharging and on screen saver.
Happy to be a millennial. My aunt asked me why I didn’t have my face on last Christmas. At 9am on Christmas day. Nope.
This is why I reserve makeup for the 2nd date, so their expectations are realistic right off the bat.
My MIL likes to talk about when she was newly married in the 60s. She and all her girlfriends would wake up a half hour before their husbands were due to wake up and put on their “faces” and do their hair and then get back in bed. That way their husband would never have to see their disgusting makeup-less faces.
Awwww!!! I LOVE YOU KIDS SO MUCH!! I think it was Nick Cave who once said that goths were like cockroaches, because they never die, they just keep evolving into different unkillable new species. And I love that.
I could see her doing it. Then making the kids recite back what she said in Mandarin.
When practicing for the RNC, I lined my kids up on the couch and made them listen to me countless times!
My initial reaction was that they were making fun of Trump, but when you read the comments who people who actually live in that area and have a better grasp of the setting and nuances, it seems like that’s not the case.
Yeah actually I think it’s kind of funny. And I am a depressed and strung out immigration lawyer who doesn’t think anything is funny anymore.
Poor taste for sure. Also not sure if this was racist. I can also bet a few Latinos climbed that inflatable shit for a free drink because I know I would have done it.