Check Out My Band

Don't fool yourself, kid. This music is absolute shit.

Au contraire, great music never dies.

Thanks for your feedback.

My music is beyond good. It is the greatest. Your loss. We used to sell out shows and CDs back in the 90s.

Perhaps you will give the music a chance then?

Thanks for your feedback. Perhaps I can send you more tracks so you can get a better idea of the message we are trying to send?

That's alright, haters make me stronger. Plenty of others worship our feet.

Your loss, not mine. Your ears are missing the greatest music they will ever be blessed with.

Now playing

Hey, check out my awesome band! Any and all constructive criticism is welcome!

Now playing

Will the porn play music as awesome as my band?

You mean the last song we performed?

Excuse me?

When you make music so beautiful, and unique, there is a certain internal obligation to spread the feeling with everyone else. I felt in my heart I needed to share my band’s music with as many people as possible. It is that great. It is that special.

Now playing

Hope this isn’t “off-topic,” but I have to share my awesome band’s music in a post about music! We were the greatest. I’m the “singer!”

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you as well. Bless you, take care.

Thank you for your feedback. However, I find that hard to believe. This is real music. Perhaps I can send a few more tracks so you can get a better idea?