I don’t want to hurt your feelings but maybe you should practice more before uploading.
I don’t want to hurt your feelings but maybe you should practice more before uploading.
I discourage you from further sharing of this poor excuse for a band. I suggest you disband immediately, and never speak of it again. We all know the internet is forever, but if you try hard enough, you can bury the embarrassing stuff deep in the search results.
I haven’t watched it, and have no plans to. If your music was any good, you wouldn’t need to spam it, the end.
Will the porn play music as awesome as my band?
Hope this isn’t “off-topic,” but I have to share my awesome band’s music in a post about music! We were the greatest. I’m the “singer!”
Alright well, gotta carry on. You’re doing the lord’s work down here. Merry Christmas, and fuck you BM for your years of psychic vampirism.
Your hair needs work, you can’t sing, your band are out of tune and spamming your pub band in a thread about a desperate woman risking serious injury and death to herself because she’s been denied basic human rights in the form of birth control is frankly, a fucking DICK MOVE.
Seems pretty bad to me.
And you know when he finds this, he’ll spin it as a compliment. And then report you.
Yeah, he’s essentially Jack Nicholson in the Overlook Hotel, evilly toiling away over his typewriter, mad with Kinja “power”.
Won't be long until he catches wind of your coup, so nice work.
Sorry to be “off-topic,” but everyone needs to see this greatness! Do yourself a favor and check out my high school band. We were the greatest! I’m the “singer!”
Holy crap, is that really him? Can you prove it? He's bragged about being a metaller. This is too funny. Can you imagine how much shit he would catch if he was totally doxxed? Remember what they did to Mussolini?
Who’s your camerman and is he available?
Sorry to be off-topic, but I just have to share this greatness. Check out my awesome high school band! We were the greatest! I’m the “singer!”
Terrible. Go away.
Who needs the Beatles? Check out my awesome band! I’m the “singer!”