I find that hard to believe. May I ask what you don’t like about it?
I find that hard to believe. May I ask what you don’t like about it?
It was dismissed because you replied to a comment I made to Sosososo, who dismissed it. In the kinja purgatory. Not sure how we got blackened.
Everything is a compliment when you are the greatest homosapien to walk this wretched Earth (how he talks to himself).
At least this isn’t a tragedy! My awesome band’s music!
Would you like to check out some of my awesome band’s music?
What she needs is some of my awesome band’s “music!”
I guarantee he already has. Dude is a fucking loser. He spends all his time at his computer refreshing gawker.
Hey, check out my awesome band! We were the greatest!
Sorry to be “off-topic,” but everyone needs to see this greatness! Do yourself a favor and check out my high school band. We were the greatest! I’m the “singer!”
Yup, it's really him. With the beautiful, long hair and angelic voice. This is real music, guys.
Haters make me stronger, thanks for your support!
1. What’s wrong with my quotations?
Sorry to be off-topic, but I just have to share this greatness. Check out my awesome high school band! We were the greatest! I’m the “singer!”
What don’t you like about it? Looking for any constructive criticism.
Hey, check out my awesome band! I’m the “singer!”
What do you think about my awesome band? I’m the “singer!”
Check out my awesome band! I’m the “singer!”
Hey, check out my awesome band! I’m the “singer!”
Who needs the Beatles? Check out my awesome band! I’m the “singer!”