
And really, the fact that old foofy runs you down and has to hide and stalk my old comments to mention things about me in totally unrelated posts should tell you one thing...

Hahaha, every mention I get equates success. So scared now you can't even allow them to mention me.

Yeah, just so you know. Guess you got told djandi! Hahahaha. You're own douchebag "friends" call you out, right foofy?

Several replies later, called that too. You want a brush with something bigger than yourself, I give it to you. In a charitable mood and since I'm mobile now, I waste no time. You, on the other hand.

There's that reply, just like I said. I was banned by read, I told people that and have his email telling me, since you care.

Chearing? And, um, here I am? So...

Not sure why you'd care, since I have no idea who you are, but they didn't. Now as Shitty and unclicked as Taylor's writing is, I can see why he would claim it. He sure won't be remembered for anything he wrote.

I always thought he was half-queer.

I have to gush now, you're an awesome person. My wife and I love Firefly and I completely agree with your take on them using the Browncoats as analogous of the South and the Alliance as the union. As even the captain stated at one point " Maybe things are better under one alliance for most folks, but I sure saw many

Which shows you backed right down when faced with the fact, no white man in the north was fighting to end slavery, period.

Oh and uh, "Sherman was not an abolitionist before the war and, like others of his time and background, he did not believe in "Negro equality."[84] Before the war, Sherman at times even expressed some sympathy with the view of Southern whites that the black race was benefiting from slavery,' Goddamn, you're an idiot.

Ohio, where the Ku Klux Klan holds rallies to this day.

It's sad because you know that none of these people care about slavery one way or the other- save that it serves as a useful bludgeon to wield against the South.

Don't know if you followed this, but you can now see how true the outrage about slavery is from people like Cherith there. They have now admitted the deaths of the Irish immigrants, the southerners -and the indians later- pale in comparison to slavery.

The idea that conscripting immigrants to THEIR DEATH for a cause they had no idea about is fucking insane.

don't be these people here are hypocrites you have as much right to say what you feel is anyone else and they know it

Because it happened? You know history?

No, sorry, killing innocent immigrants from Ireland by pressing them into service to fight for the union-when few native northerners would is not better.
Also, it went from the north fights for freedom! To nobodies perfect, nice. That outrage button has an off and on button it seems

Oh so just out and out killing people is better right. Don't those silly Irish know they were dying by the millions so future generations could feel smug? And those same union troopsand general's then turned to the massacre and extermination of the plains Indians. What a freedom loving army that was.
Buy it was the

Yes, emotion! Damn the facts, I say it SHOULD have been this way! So it is!