Oh, they LOVE to leave that little tidbit out. I was amazed that Scorsese kept in the lynchings in Gangs of New York.
Oh, they LOVE to leave that little tidbit out. I was amazed that Scorsese kept in the lynchings in Gangs of New York.
They are saying the north fought over slavery, they didn't. That the battle flag means= slavery. It doesn't. No more than the American flag means genocide of the Native Americans, take that one down, then we can get to the confederate flag. Unless of course, you condone the genocide of the native americans that…
Yes, the North, which had as much anti-miscgenation laws as anywhere, all the sudden became so loathing of slavery they all went to war? Not a single text book- even in these pc days- claims that. Lincoln's quotes on the matter dispel it, and the lack of participation- can you say, DRAFT- from northerns tells you all…
As I pointed out to these others, that have an extremely limited knowledge of history, no one in the North would have fought to free the slaves. Lincoln is on record as stating it-yet somehow they try to whitewash these quotes- and the same armies that pillaged the south, then went on to use those same tactics in the…
Well, if you had came in the 1860's you'd have been forced to fight in that war, killed, then buried in a mass grave, like most of the other Irish were during that time.
No, the North just pressed millions of Irish into service to fight a war that virtually no one in the North was willing to fight a long battle for. Also, the North seemed just dandy with suspending the constitutional rights of anyone that criticized that war and then used those same tactics against the native…
Oh dear, everyone just ignores you, don't they? I told you how it would end.
I'd be very interested. You're very well spoken, plus I like anyone that believes in unconventionality. and that email is not misspelled, it has the double i like that.
are you actually trans-anarcho-capitalist/ That's an amazing combo, like out of some cyberpunk distant future.
Hey, didn't want to say this in the main thread, so I picked this dead one. Have to say you are brilliant, easily one of the best commenters on here.
Her photos look retouched, get on it.
Petticoat there is one of the worst offenders over there.
Passionate stuff, but you do realize that a vast majority of the commenters at Jezebel are just as intolerant as your friend here? Certainly when women or a minority group is questioned about the veracity of their complaint, you'll see comments along the lines of "yousaidwhaat"
Notice how you didn't get a single reply? Nor any recommends?
"I'll be taking these Huggies, and whatever bodily fluids you got."
How'd you escape from Satorus?
See, even you flighty types can see reason. progress!
So, you basically admit you like to make false accusations when confronted with reality and in anger, thanks for making my point.
No, science does agree that environment plays a handy role in it.