That’s just evil
That’s just evil
I like the line in the quoted article, “...the 22-year-old former public schoolboy...”
You took a private helicopter from a resort island back to the mainland in order to catch a private flight home?
Oh, I know fully well about the "believe in fake shit" crowd, my parents are Christians.
Engineers are off eating paste and blowing shit up somewhere in the background i assume
I resigned long ago to just let the stupid people in this country keep being stupid.
Absolutely horrifying image, thank you
It takes a lot of work and effort to be ignorant
The meme is literally for the dumbs that think education is the stepping stone to becoming a commie pinko gay trans bathroom licker.
Boomers love capitalism until they are up against it.
Each time change is around the corner, some idiots have to find a way to spread misinformation, EV, Climate Change, Vaccine ....etc And you will be surprise how many people eat this type of info without even questioning it. Unbelievable.
At a guess, they realized over the years trying to make the thing cheaper and cheaper to make have resulted in a thing that really isn’t very good. So they’ll take it away for a years then come back with a “premium priced” choco taco that is better than the one you could buy last month, but not near as good as the…
When I order whiskey from overseas or wine from Oregon, some delivery people have asked for ID even though I am in my 50's. The checkout process was very clear that it would require someone over 21 to sign for it and it would not just be left at the door. I don’t think any of them ever assessed my sobriety when…
Choco Taco, much like the Klondike Bar itself, has been getting smaller and more crappy for like 15+ years now. The last time I had a Choco Taco, it didn’t even have a crunch to it, the ‘taco shell’ part was soggy and paste like.
I feel like in this market, if you’re price sensitive, you’re only shopping because you NEED a car. Like your old one is dead. If that’s the case and you’re not able to afford the 2022 CRV of your dreams, why not buy the 2012 CRV of your “lets just get a car that works for right now” reality or some other Cash car…
Looked at the picture, looked at the price, scrolled right down to hit no dice.
Oh man this was ND before the salvage title popped up. Hideous chrome splotches and pep boys wheels on the cheap range rover does not 40K make. The convertible top doesn’t help. I would be embarrassed to be accidentally caught standing next to it.
Could have just posted the photos and price, and it would have gotten a 99% ND. Didn’t even need the salvage title to vote ND on this abomination.