
For a publicity shot, that's an ugly sack, and it's poorly lit. Her "oh, who me!?" smile is on point through.

I’m going to go a different route. Kill Jeb Bush. He is the most likeable and has a greater shot of winning. Fuck Ted Cruz and then spill the sordid details to all the tabloids, ruining his career. Marry Rand Paul and cheat on him mercilessly with some government bureaucrat.

If I wasn’t already a lesbian, this article would have done the trick. Just so...ewwwwww.

Jesus. Take off, nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


“Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?”

You're right: a lot of people in the gaming world who post on gaming sites seem to conflate puritanism (stemming from America's roots in Protestantism) and feminism - which is utterly ridiculous, because these two sets of beliefs are total opposites. Feminism IS sex-positive, it just isn't okay with how "sex" and

Sadly, I am not. I have, however, written them, and encouraged many of my sisters to do so as well.

This is what I always think of when I see gamer dudes raising an issue with gamer gals. For me, "that gate" has severely coloured the discussion of gender in video games.

Oh my god, you beat me to it!

Gamers are funny. Will fight to the death for the rights of developers to sexualize women. Will demonize women when they express their own sexuality.

Death holds no bar to the Ess Jay Double-yew Agenda. Bringing her back, irregardless of how wicked sweet her costume is, is a blatant grab for the Feminazi audience and more invasion of our Safe Male Spaces.

That's great and all but why do you think anyone (especially the author) needed to know, or even cares really, about your unwillingness to empathize or understand? Not every thought or feeling you have is important enough that you have to express it, especially when it only serves to compound someone else's trauma. I

Great point, except that this is actually a very old story.

But you have plenty of desire to comment about your lack of desire to sympathize or understand someone whose experiences were not yours. Got it. Thanks for stopping by.

The perverts up by the stage would be, I suppose, venture fapitalists?

Whichever is more profitable.

The only reason to do something like this is because you're feeling superior to another human being. Plus pack mentality.