
That is a very fascinating way to look at his character that I had not considered. Thank you.

No no no no no. No fucking eugenics as part of the criminal justice system, for any reason, ever.
1) we don’t fight for bodily autonomy with assaults on bodily autonomy
2) you have to know a policy like this would be applied to marginalized people unevenly.

Hadn’t heard of the book until recently, and I was trying to decide if I want to see the show, but I’m so exhausted with the biological essentialism central to stories in gender apocalypse (which I’m guessing The Power is adjacent to). I think I might have been able to not be bothered 10 years ago before the

Are you kidding me? I actually lost respect for Fantastic Four knowing that Kaku was allowed anywhere near it.

You have a way with words that is most pleasing to the eye.

I like it, but the rythym in the first two lines seems a little off - specifically around the “Nu” in the first line and the “en” in “enthusiasts” in the second line.

It could also be vampire lesbians (or lesbian vampires, your decide) that kill.

In February, Inga Saffron pointed out that the cost of Pier 55 is the total budget committed to improving 35 different old parks in poor NYC neighborhoods

if students are in a situation where they can’t pay for lunch, they’re given one slice of american cheese on a hamburger bun along with a small milk.

Before you loudly insist that people stop doing something that is wrong, you may want to take some time to verify that you are in fact right.

I feel so strongly about how little rights parents should have over their children’s sexual lives (the answer is None, zero - they have responsibilities to their children, no rights) that I would actually support exploring extreme options, like making comprehensive sex ed opt-out, but it’s not parents who make that

No one cared who he was until he put on the mask.

There are things I love and do not love about Tucson, but the natural world that’s never very far away is definitely one of the great things. If you’re in town again, definitely take a drive up into the Catalina Mountains. Seeing a new biome pass you periodically as you go up is really amazing, and the view is crazy.

Came here to suggest exactly that. If there are literally no rules for male students except obviously not breaking the law, they should push the dress code to the fucking breaking point. Short shorts if necessary.

It looked like that on the radar profile. They didn’t literally, visually look at a storm cloud and go “Yep. That looks like Georgia alrighty.”

I’ll allow it.

I just realized I have a sad life

I kinda feel like we should have a professional class of people with Chris Kluwe-esque linguistic takedown skills, who you can hire to create a virulent, burning response to a shitty situation like this. Someone who can figuratively lay waste to their enemies, salt the earth, etc - without degenerating into language

Bet she’s glad the nickname “Bridezilla” isn’t literal. At least her shop walls are still standing.

So fucking relieved I am not the only one.