
I’m sure the professor read the syllabus with the students on the first day - but since that reading was done in a dark room lit only by candles, it’s likely they missed some pertinent info.

Technically memes die all the time. Humans minds are constantly generating new ones and mutating old ones, and there’s only so much bandwidth for memes to occupy. Memes that fail to compete can and do indeed die, and there’s a graveyard of billions of memes out there.

Women with cheap (or expensive) perfume, along with men with cologne (whom he failed to mention) would definitely be the worst for me to deal with if it wasn’t for the constant barrage of smokers who put out their cigarette as they see the bus pull up, so they’re drenched in that smell. Then, they sit next to me,

Were you going for the pun of man who brought a spread, therefore, manspreading - or is that jut me?

I don’t know what you’re talking about, and Google doesn’t seem to know what you’re talking about either.’s pretty much written in the bible that abortion=bad times.

I remember when I first saw the “It’s Pat!” sketches (on repeat, not when they aired), I was just beginning to get a handle on feminist & queer theory, as well as my own gender identity. At the time, I thought the sketches were transphobic and sexist.

I liked that the litany of missing abuses was comprehensive enough to include a shout-out to sickle-cell anemia. I had to rewind, thought I’d misheard/imagined that bit.

The thing is, I don’t give a shit if a fetus is a person, or a person with rights. I’m not “willing to concede” - I think the discussion is a completely irrelevant distraction.

I guess what I am asking is, at what point should abortion no longer be allowed

I have bad news for you.

Came to comment about imaginary female trouble. I’m waffling between that being a woman imagining she has female troubles, or a person who is troubled by imaginary females.

Was that any good? The trailers made it look really shitty, simultaneously playing to sex-negativity and sexist stereotypes.

Actually kind of glad I didn’t notice the title when reading the post, the title at the end was a cute surprise. Adorable.

There’s also a cannon firing a ball around the earth. Could be a shot at Newton.

Sorry, was joking. Knew where it was from. Playing dumb doesn’t always come across in text.

To quote a certain Matthew Broderick film: The only way to win the game is not to play.

Actually, we’ve moved onto something...darker.

It’s all nice and good to say a person should “Take responsibility for your actions” and not use the legal strategy recommended by legal counsel, when, say, it will result in a larger fine.

What happens when it is struck by lightning?