
This is exactly why I'm scared they're jumping the shark with the new clone. Hoping he can do what she's been doing for two seasons now feels like hoping lighting strikes twice in the same place.

Agreed. Pretty much every feminist I know, if the topic of ratings in movies comes up, will complain about how quickly sex drives a rating up, even though sex is a normal, healthy part of the human experience, but violence is completely normalized.

As opposed to...?

Fuck you, I laugh like a hyena/witch hybrid and laughing is one of my favorite activities.

Weird. When I say I'm a hopeless romantic, I mean it in a "I tend to stare at a far-away place, imagining romantic moments in the future, growing old together with them, all in the space of 10 seconds, and I have a bad tendency to do that multiple times an hour when I'm crushing really bad" kind of way.

Remind me what Savage had just said to make him giggle?

Sure, it's selfish.

It's an old excuse, sir, but it checks out.

The idea that in the modern era, Japan would go to war with the US is as redonkulous as Germany randomly invading France again.

I think I'm going to work that into a bar joke. Here's my initial try, tell me what you think.

I don't suppose you're influential enough within your sorority to lobby within it to get them off the list? If various sororities and fraternities pulled out in the wake of this and publicly stated "These shitfucks no longer speak for us and everything they just said makes us feel like we need to take a long shower"

What's amazing to me is that every morning, Scalia avoids traumatic back injury every morning before work when he removes his head from his ass.

How can conservative, pro family people not be all for maternity rights?! It makes absolutely no sense.

The other day I was watching The Unbelievers with a group of atheists. I ughed when Michael Shermer came on, people asked why - "He's the atheist Bill Cosby."

It seems likely that the only justice he will face will be the memory of his career forever tarnished, and with any luck a very very long old age coupled with the misery of a long and painful mental decline. Decades of abusing and gaslighting followed by a few decades of losing his mind, helpless to do a fucking thing

Yes, yes, that's all nice about her qualifications and experience.

Women should just become better story tellers, there are relatively modern religions invented all the time. If you can tell a story well enough to trick dummies, you can form one too.

If there were a mainstream religion that WAS founded by a woman (or by women, or a relatively equal amount of men and women), by now, men in control of the religion would have rewritten their founding history to write those women out of existence or diminish their importance to the founding of said religion. And we'd

Sorry, but you've completely missed the point. It's about people hating frauds, who are only popular because they have cleavage they can show. Who otherwise probably wouldn't get shit for viewers.

I had a conservative dad who died when I was 16, a fact that I routinely celebrate (long story, he was awful).