
In my Poly Sci class recently, someone put together the fact I was anti death penalty and pro choice, and asked me "So you're against killing murderers but for killing innocent babies." and I was like "I disagree with every premise you've assumed right there."

Humorless? I hate to break it to you, but just because your mom laughs at all your jokes (I hope yours does, mine does and it makes me feel great!) doesn't mean that people who don't find a given joke of yours funny (or criticize the inherent ageist and sexist attitudes it feeds off of and perpetuates) have no sense

If we limited ourself to only quotes by the utterly blameless and completely virtuous we'd...

Oh, yes. Thank you for reminding us that women's value and relevance in society naturally decreases with age, and we should stop paying attention to them as soon as their beauty fades.

I don't know about you, but if I'm hosting a big party where I honor people who I think were awesome people, I don't need a court ruling to tell me that a given person is a douchebag, asshole, or a rapist to decide "Nah, not going to honor them, because, I guess I just don't fucking want to. Because it will make me

I specifically have cultivated a group of friends and family that all get my Sparkle Motion references.

Yeah, I was responding narrowly to the India complaint, but thanks for pointing out that India's not the only place where rape is a recurring topic.

I too was shocked to find something he said funny.

Same. Headline made me think the original one was them, pretending it was real (probably releasing it through alternate means and without any usual cast members), revealing it was fake and them, big shitstorm of people being pissed off, and them apologizing for making the video, that the joke was in poor taste.

You're both blithering morons. No one's banning an artistic expression, no one is censoring. They've decided that while they like the stories and framing device of the original play, they would prefer to make a more inclusive production, using student-written materials.

I'm a theatre producer and this makes me crazy.

You can't really expect a traffic cone to have much brain power. I think Boehner is doing just fine considering that.

"The good news is that the wealth of talent is there, and it's being discussed, and it's helpful so much for talent — whether in front of the camera or behind the camera — to have this recognition, to have this period of time where there is a lot of publicity, a lot of chitter-chatter."

Homeopathic dog is that no walker, or no dog?

Such an amazing gif choice. The next time I see people fucking with service employees I'll totally hear their creepy hyena giggle.

More like an axolotl tank from Dune. Which is basically what far-right religious nutjobs view women as.

Refusing to accept your child's true sexual identity is part of their faith. They are living according to the tenets of their faith and, again I don't agree with them/it, you can't claim to respect faith and then deny its manifestation.

Not enough stars in the galaxy for this.

You need to study history a lot fucking better. Religion was absolutely created by humans as a weapon to keep the masses under control and pacified. There's nothing quite like convincing people your authority to rule comes from divine beings to keep them in line. And there's nothing quite like convincing people the