
I guess we all collectively owe Sandra and Sylvester an apology.

Chipotle definitely should hire this kid.

So, Wikipedia Law Expert, Esq. - what would be your recommendation, then? What specific kind of malpractice would you have recommended instead of Wrongful Birth?

she's not suing for malpractice

You are correct, homophobia and racism always come in pairs.

Other threads have done research and found out that they discovered the error while she was pregnant, when they requested more vials.

She's trying to make lemonade, and step 1 is squeezing some fucking lemons out of the fuckups who are responsible for this mess.

Because suing your town for being shitty people is not actually a thing. Suing for malpractice, however, which is what she's doing, is a thing.

Wrongful birth IS malpractice. I don't know why people keep harping on "she's a shithead for suing for this and not malpractice."

Not sure that finding out that you were born because the clinic that helped hatched you fucked up is really all that different from finding out you were born because mom and dad got their hands on some really strong weed and fucked for the first time in 10 years before going right back to hating each other.

They would also support massive research and funding into pre-natal care, including solving the sticky issue of why God hates fetuses so much. If 100% of zygotes are humans with rights, it's an absolute horrifying travesty that 75% - that's what we call a "vast majority", folks - of zygotes die before becoming a

Wikipedia reveals she was formerly known as twigs, but now is known as FKA twigs.

Mind if I ask why? I'm genderqueer, and I'm fine with it being a point of attraction - just like I'm fine with me being a scifi nerd, a gamer, a bookworm, sarcastic, etc a point of attraction.

Sherman Alexei

Weird, I've never subscribed to the Chicago Tribune and I was able to get the full story.

I'm sure in 3 or less years, when the defendants in question are getting their lashes because they were arrested of some trumped-up charge (or you know, if the government changes their fucking minds), they will be comforted by the thoughts of the Great White American who insisted so much on journalistic integrity that

I assume, then, you don't support ever using the word "will" used in headlines then? A headline saying "Sun will rise tomorrow morning" is factually inaccurate. Journalists are not soothsayers, the sun could explode before then.

I bet we can turn this into a game. Come up with alternatives to the "Porn Star Going Back to School/Starting Career in New, More Wholesome Field" headlines.

I know you say "it's a job like anything else really"...

Yeah, and? "I'll eat my X" bets are occasionally backed up with actual eating of the X. Werner Herzog ate his shoe on camera once.