John Boehner

I did notice that the colors signify the French flag. After that you got it all wrong.

The back-up dancers had to help apprehend him!

Yes! “Stylish”...

Same. Her lipstick actually stays on my lips when I eat/drink. I’ve only found one other formula that does that and still manages to look good.

I have one and I really like the color, but I wouldn’t buy another. I’m kind of ashamed of giving her money but I don’t have anything else like the color (Candy K) or at least that’s how I justify it....

Literally no one has to walk you through this if you’d pick up a fucking BASIC 101 level shit from the library. You fucking leech. GTFO with your, won’t someone please hold my hand and not make my feelings hurt at the same time ass. FUCK OFF!!!

Yeah, I already got some choice responses about my Angry Black Woman reply.

Jesus fucing christ that guy (spikesspeigel) is a fragile idiot. I’m sick of people on here coddling such obvious dumbasses.

Quit being a fucking baby and take responsibility for your stupid fucking language you use. Get the fuck out of here and read some basic fucking gender theory 101 before you decide to get your wittle feelings hurt over someone questioning why you ask such inane and basic fucking questions.

Heineken is bottled in Holland.

If that was a scolding then your parents were very kind, lol.

Because it scares the fuck out of you when a predator does this to you. As soon as she felt powerful enough, she had him removed from the venue.

Normally I agree but I’m not so sure here.

While this is awesome, these kind of stories give me pause as to the state of my home and the impression it would give to FBI raiders. Like was I really too tired to throw my clothes in the hamper last night? Would the FBI guys sit around the office post pre-dawn raid and muse “hey did you see tornado’s underpanties

Send in the WAWA protesters!!

For those of you too young to recognize the impotent dread you’re feeling: Welcome to Cold War Fear Redux. Yes, you’re going to feel this all the time now. No, there’s no refuge.

If you spent part of your early twenties sharing space with this IKEA rug, say ‘aye.’

Years ago, I was sitting with my best friend a bar and relating a story about how my ex (still great friends though) had recently told me that he couldn’t stand the smell of his then girlfriend’s crotch. We were pretty baffled, like maybe she was wearing cheap panty hose or something to cause an odor, because well, I

He’ll just build a seawall. And France will pay for it.

Am I obliged to now point out why that’s a deeply flawed analogy that supports my point over yours or can we all take for granted that it’s self-evident?