John Boehner


Just for visual reference:

Clegg elaborated, with a hollow and incendiary talking point, “The civil rights laws were deliberately written to protect everyone from discrimination, and it is frequently the case that not only are whites discriminated against now, but frequently Asian-Americans are as well.”

are you pontificating from Park Slope or some shit

Maybe. But wouldn’t Ebrose have chewed Sam out right after he found Sam tried the procedure instead of after Jorah healed? It sounds like that was the first conversation Ebrose and Sam had about it.

Well it’s been weeks, unless Jorah was supposed to have healed from getting the top layer of his skin cut off in like a day...?

Backstreet Boys in 2001 was massively more popular and successful than 98 Degrees. (I’m not talking now, ffs.)

IMO, Tamra was doing tough love right. If you’re going to constantly complain about wanting to lose weight, it makes sense for a friend to suggest eating healthier (albeit FAR less enjoyable) foods and cutting out alcohol.

Tamra did see her weight creeping up in her early 40's - remember when Slade mocked her at his Very Hilarious stand-up show? - and she made up her mind to fight it with diet and exercise. And it worked. Shannon said she’s been thin all her life, and has gained 40lbs in the last year from “stress” (food and alcohol).

If you KNOW you have an STI, and you don’t disclose that to your partners, then FUCK YOU. I’d sue, too. Doesn’t matter how serious the disease is or how treatable.

Same here. It’s amazing how many people will willingly fuck themselves out of money by being brainwashed into some misguided concept of a ‘can do’ attitude for a job they can literally be fired from on a whim. And then they bitch about the people who aren’t getting hosed, like it’s a badge of honor that they’ve been

I had a coworker like that too, I said, if you are bitching at 15 dollars an hour and its more than you make, then you fucking go get that job.

I like Westworld because it clearly ruminates on what consuming hyperviolence does to us.

Ironically, many if not most of the patients who would be stripped of their health care under Trumpcare are Trump supporters. For some reason they still support him. I can’t explain to myself or to you, to what extent can one use bigotry, racism, misogyny etc. and still convince people to vote against their interest.

Yeah, I haven’t seen Westworld. Only bits and pieces. This trailer was just too much for me.

Does he plan to speak with the millions of people who the ACA has helped to balance out his perspective? Listen to ‘both sides’, give the other side a chance, as the Republicans have been bleating the last six months?

I agree about Walking Dead and definitely about GOT...I finally stopped watching in (SPOILER) season 4 when Oberyn’s head got smushed in. Too much disgusting, over the top violence and it started to really bum me out. However, I didn’t feel Westworld was violent in the same way. Maybe I’m misremembering. But I

It’s probably an unpopular opinion, but I can’t stand shows like this and GoT/Walking Dead because of the overwhelming amount of violence. It doesn’t feel like it serves a purpose except to see your favorite character die an awful death.