John Boehner

I am FINALLY watching the third part of the RHOC reunion (paused it to type this). Now that Shannon provided a handy screen shot of the infamous PET report, I can say without question that shit is totally, incontrovertibly fake. FAKE, FAKE, FAKE. Sorry, I just had to get that out of my system.

Totally! It actually took me until Brooks dumped Vicki to finally admit he might not have cancer. Before that I was completely affronted that anyone would even question it. I felt questioning a person’s true cancer was more harmful all around than believing a person’s fake cancer.

They need to get Allison DuBois to show up again.

Clearly someone wasn’t watching the Real Housewives of Orange County.

I read it in college. One thing that struck me is that, all of these guys were supposedly living in a bachelor pad in the Hills, and according to Straus, he couldn't recall a single one ever bringing someone home for a hook up. The biggest thing I took from the book was, you need to take some of the things discussed

I think that the funniest part of The Game was the fact that some of these guys who were being called world class pick-up artists, and teaching others The Game had never even gotten to first base yet. They were the modern equivalent of The Geek (Anthony Michael hall) in Sixteen Candles.

You describing Mystery as a steampunk Jamiroquai is going to have me rofl FOR DAYS. And, him being a douchbag is a given.

In my mid-twenties I started hanging out with this guy I had had a crush on all through highschool, and he was reading The Game. He swallowed the whole fucking thing, and even tried to sell me on the ideas in it. What a goddamned shame. This guy regressed in emotional maturity and became a selfish prick. If he’d

After they arrived on the scene (the two had apparently continued the fight in the parking lot), they say Feshir smelled like alcohol.

This is the only time in the history of prolly ever that someone wished they were wearing a clip-on tie.

You go, you wonderful nurse! My butt never did quit clenching. I never missed a single day of nursing school and I graduated with a 4.0 GPA because I was PETRIFIED that I would miss the one lecture that I might need when a patient was in trouble. It was hard for me, and it was doubly hard because I advocated for my

I WAS a nurse and have a ton of anecdotes, but it’s been a long day to recount and write about it. I will say that so many of my co-nurses are able to put their “feelings”aside, and some can’t. Then some think they could but their feelings came bubbling to the surface in unhealthy ways.

Obviously nurses are not all saints. But do you really think that a post calling for stories from nurses was the time to be like “yo, nurses are bitches?”

Because doctors never try to humiliate nurses in front of patients or their families for egocentric reasons. The doctor who yelled at my sister because she had to defer to the CDC liaison on a suspected H1N1 case, he was not trying to be a bully at all.

I am a female physician. I did my residency in the 1990s and I remember the nurses as a godsend. We had to run the ER as residents when we were one year out of medical school. It was a busy urban ER and drug overdoses and end stage HIV (it was during the height of the epidemic and there was no great treatment) as well

Ive been a nurse for over a decade, and i think your experience must be unique to your area of the country—I can’t imagine any of my collegues not respecting a female reisdent because of her gender. Not to mention, female med school graduates far outnumber male these days, so the gender climate of medicine is

I have never bullied an intern or residents, but I have publicly called them out for violating patients’ autonomy and privacy (revealing HIV status in front of family, performing procedures without asking patients) and that left them in tears. Hopefully because they realized that they fucked up royally and not because

It wasn’t a surgery, it was a lancing. And that’s a lovely negative stereotype you’ve got going there.

Maybe instead of viewing this as a mandate to wear tied in the front, look at it as an option to wear a whimsical soft cod piece. Options!

Once you go into the back you hang a right at the wardrobe and enter Narnia, trek through Narnia until you get to King Jareths labyrinth. When your in the Goblin City take a hidden tunnel under the throne, the tunnel will lead you to the Desolation of Smaug from there it’s just a hop, skip, and a jump to Xavier’s