John Boehner

Oh god there are already three other “not unusual” jokes. I'll let myself out.

That's not unusual.

Actually its only his responsibility if they show that they arent capable of handling the liquor. 7 margaritas over the span of several hours isnt all that much alcohol. Probably on par with 8-10 beers. Which really isnt all that much for people who are comfortable enough with their drinking to rack up 60 bucks in a

he didn’t know they were driving until he followed them out.

I think this is pretty standard. In general, friends from high school are always worse (unless your high school was bigger than your college). You have limited choices. I realize might high school friends are worse than my college friends, but I have a longer history of ridiculous fun shit we did when we were in high

If my significant other and I plan on spending the rest of our lives together, being a generally likable person is a pretty important. It honestly sounds just exhausting being in a long-term relationship with someone who can’t be bothered to be polite and friendly at social gatherings. They don’t have to be besties

It’s not an odd thing to hate at all. This commercial is so chock full of wrongness that it should be hated.



Mash ‘em, boil them in a stew

“All vegans are awful SO LET’S SHIT ON THEM” is frequently a trope meat-eaters* like to bust out for a variety of reasons, virtually all of which are ultimately both self-serving and self-aggrandizing.


Lot of things in that guy’s head were wrong. Math, how to talk to humans, realizing error and admitting be wrong. Props to that line cook for bestowing on him the miracle of flight.

Farting is the most disgusting thing and you keep that stuff in the bathroom. In the South we are really polite and don’t fart in front of people. At least that’s how I was taught. Go to the damn bathroom even if you have to run. Or step out the door. Ugh. Ew. nasty.

Please, please, please let me know your favorite restaurant and when you’re going eat there. I have so much gas just looking for an appreciative audience!

I’m ok with this take.

This BCO has EVERYthing! EVERYTHING (to make you hate EVERYONE!)

Say what you will about the pizza mugger, at least he was straightforward about taking money out of the driver’s pocket. He didn't come up with bullshit reasons to not leave a tip, he didn't put a waiter through an hour of hell and leave a buck, he didn't come in with a complex plan to scam free food that he used