this is exactly what i came into this article looking for, thank you.
Beat me to it! That episode may be my favorite Bob’s Burgers.
“inverted”... WHEW!! because the other type, eew.
Me too. Like most of my clothes aren't baggy enough to accommodate a fake belly underneath them, so were guests allowed to wear the fake bellies over their clothes? Or because it's Kanye it was tough shit, your clothes are getting stretched out?
I’m imagining a bunch of women showing up and not being able to fit a pregnancy belly under their clothes. I hope it was in the invites or they were all somehow given fair warning.
“Kill Yr Idols” takes on a whole new level of ironic commentary now, right?
I hate Thurston Moore even more than I hate Kim Gordon. He seems like THE WORST type of human.
Watching The Year Punk Broke was enough to make me quit Thurston Moore. Sometimes familiarity breeds contempt. Or something.
I just reaaaaally dislike Kim Gordon. I tried reading her book but she seemed like a TERRRRRIBLE person so half way through (seriously, I never stop reading a book, I follow the sinking ship) and I had to stop because I disliked her so goddamn much.
I love it too! All that ELO!
Xanadu remains one of my absolute favorite soundtrack albums of all time, next to Saturday Night Fever and Purple Rain. I’ve worn out several copies of it in all formats (yes, I am old).
Some think that being poor is simple. You don’t have enough money to buy a lot of stuff, so you’re forced to buy…
I was so angry when I saw a post on Facebook talking about how poor people are stupid for not shopping at places like Costco and Sam’s Club to buy basic household items like toilet paper in bulk. I pointed out to her that poor people might not have a way to transport that amount of goods home, might be living in a…
That is one brilliant, terrific cover, capturing the myth, the violence, the domestic affective relationship between the viewers and the cast, everything. Brilliant.
It may be a minor point, but I’m glad that the “shatter” obliterates Cosby’s image and leaves the others relatively intact. It would seem unfair if the rest of the cast was defaced or vandalized.
It’s pretty cool that we can do that, like salamanders. It’s only recently that doctors realized that the fingertip doesn’t just heal, but actually regenerates. Now they’re trying to figure out what magic makes it do that, and see if they can make other damaged tissue regenerate too